Outside body

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority


The Authority has a statutory duty under the Local Government Act 1985 to provide an efficient Fire and Rescue Service for the people of Merseyside.


The membership of the Authority comprises of 18 members from the five local authorities of Knowsley (2), Liverpool (6), Sefton (4), St Helens (2) and Wirral (4) plus the Police and Crime Commissioner of Merseyside.


Further details about the Authority and the agendas and minutes of the meetings may be found on the Authority website.

Contact information

Democratic Services Manager

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority
Service Headquarters,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

Phone: 0151 296 4230

Website: https://www.merseyfire.gov.uk/about/fire-and-rescue-authority/

Sefton Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Email: Shaunahealey@merseyfire.gov.uk

Our representatives