Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present Present, virtual Present as substitute, virtual In attendance In attendance, virtual
Cllr. Marion Atkinson1190020
Cllr. Susan Bradshaw940000
Cllr. Tony Brough980000
Cllr. Iain Brodie - Browne740000
Cllr. Danny Burns1090010
Cllr. June Burns430000
Cllr. Leslie Byrom C.B.E.870000
Cllr. Natasha Carlin430000
Cllr. Clare Carragher660000
Cllr. Karen Cavanagh12110000
Cllr. Jim Conalty980000
Cllr. Jennifer Corcoran13121000
Cllr. Mike Desmond F.R.C.A.12110000
Cllr. John Dodd1190000
Cllr. Neil Doolin440000
Cllr. Liz Dowd990010
Cllr. Mhairi Doyle, M.B.E.15140010
Cllr. Helen Duerden750000
Cllr. Leo Evans11110000
Cllr. Julia Garner110000
Cllr. Janet Grace980000
Cllr. Sean Halsall420000
Cllr. James Hansen990000
Cllr. Judy Hardman1080000
Cllr. Janet Harrison Kelly760000
Cllr. Phil Hart870000
Cllr. Peter Harvey1090000
Cllr. Sam Hinde1090000
Cllr. Christine Howard11100010
Cllr. Joe Johnson16130000
Cllr. Lauren Keith430000
Cllr. John Kelly12110000
Cllr. Sonya Kelly17160000
Cllr. Nina Killen980000
Cllr. Paulette Lappin18170020
Cllr. Gareth Lloyd-Johnson880000
Cllr. Laura Lunn-Bates760000
Cllr. Ian Maher850000
Cllr. Steve McGinnity1390000
Cllr. Daniel McKee1180000
Cllr. Dominic McNabb1280000
Cllr. Ian Moncur25240000
Cllr. Mike Morris M.B.E.1190000
Cllr. Paula Murphy830000
Cllr. Greg Myers750000
Cllr. Dave Neary, PhD11100000
Cllr. Brenda O'Brien15110000
Cllr. Catie Page880000
Cllr. Christopher Page14140000
Cllr. Chloe Parker, NPQH12110000
Cllr. Maria Porter12110000
Cllr. Mike Prendergast870000
Cllr. Dr. John Pugh23160000
Cllr. Carol Richards14100000
Cllr. Dave Robinson1090000
Cllr. Michael Roche1290000
Cllr. Diane Roscoe13100000
Cllr. Mike Sammon870000
Cllr. Simon Shaw13110010
Cllr. Tom Spring13100000
Cllr. Carla Thomas13100000
Cllr. Lynne Thompson19160000
Cllr. Paul Tweed300000
Cllr. Daren Veidman940000
Cllr. Sir Ron Watson C.B.E.860040
Cllr. Veronica Webster1090000
Cllr. Joanne Williams14130000