Agenda and minutes

Sefton East Parishes Area Committee - Thursday 21st January, 2010 6.30 pm

Venue: Maghull Town Hall, Hall Lane, Maghull

Contact: Ian Williams 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Connell.


Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct.


No declarations of interest were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2009




That, subject to an amendment to Minute No 59(8) of the meeting held on 23 November 2009 to now read


an allocation be made for additional street signs.  £80 from the Molyneux Ward budget and a further £155 each from the Sudell and Park ward budgets.”


the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2009 be confirmed as a correct record.


Police Issues


Further to Minute No 47 of the meeting held on 12 November 2009, Sergeant Nelson outlined the crime statistics for the Sefton East Parishes area from 12 November 2009 to 21 January 2010.  The following is a summary of her assessment:


Burglary.It was reported that there had been 39 reported incidents, – 16 in Maghull; 13 in Melling; 7 in Aintree; and 3 in Lydiate; that this was an issue shared with neighbouring authorities in Litherland, Netherton, Bootle, Crosby and Lancashire; that due to a rise in burglaries in other areas police had been diverted to other areas, but due to a rise in the Sefton East Parishes Area of late, Police were being redeployed in the area, mobilising drones (remote controlled thermal imaging equipment), and working with the CCTV Unit at Sefton Council.  14 out of the 39 incidents reported were unsecured premises, some incidents were attempted but unsuccessful forced entries, and Police continue ‘Operation Handle’ in order to tackle the issue of unsecured premises. 8 arrests had been made in connection with 4 burglaries, and given the modus operandi of some burglaries police were tracking one male from the north part of Liverpool who may be operating in the Sefton East Area.


Thefts from a motor vehicle. In total, 40 incidents had been reported – 12 in Maghull; 13 in Melling; 14 in Aintree and 1 in Lydiate. 10 of the 40 incidents where due to a single incident, in which opportunist offenders smashed windows and stole valuable items which were on display, and Police were continuing their investigation into this incident.  Sergeant Nelson reported that a number of registrations plates had also be stolen during the period (15 in total), and one had been identified as being used in a robbery in Bootle; that grub screws were available free of charge from the Police which acted as a deterrent to thieves; and that whilst it was not a requirement to inform Police of a stolen licence plate, reporting such incidents could prevent other crimes such as drive offs from petrol stations and use of licence plates in robberies. Two arrests had been made in connection with thefts from motor vehicles and were awaiting court hearings.


Robbery.  Only one reported incident at the Post Office in Waddicarr Lane, although this was the third incident in recent months.  Police were working with the owners to minimise the risk of robbery in future.


Anti-Social Behaviour.  A number of incidents had been reported mainly due to the poor weather conditions and use of snowballs in these incidents; some incidents meant repeat calls to some locations, and one incident required attendance four times at the Satinwood Estate - Police were addressing this issue in conjunction with other agencies.  Police also launched “Stay Safe” on 8 January 2010 and worked with young people who were misusing alcohol, ensuring that they were returned to parents or ensuring that they were in a safe environment until parents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.


Open Forum


No questions/comments were submitted during the open forum.


Presentation - Update on Work of the PCT and Delivery of Key Messages

Paul Acres, Chairman of NHS Sefton


Mr Paul Acres, Chairman of Sefton NHS and Ms Bernie Hartley, Head of Primary Care presented key messages and outlined the forthcoming work of NHS Sefton (formerly Sefton Primary Care Trust/PCT); indicating that they continued to work on the 5 year plan which was consulted upon and had agreed priorities.  These included involving local people,  improving quality of and access to healthcare and reducing health inequalities; that after the Lord Darzi Review the focus was on quality of healthcare provision; that, given the financial situation facing public services, challenges lay ahead.  Specifically in relation to health inequalities, Sefton NHS was trying to improve life expectancy and life without chronic illnesses by tackling smoking, alcohol misuse and obesity.  In relation to healthcare access, Sefton NHS were working with GPs through “Practice based commissioning” to increase the number of GPs offering extended hours and increasing the length of extended hours.  Sefton NHS had been tasked with re-designing its service to ensure that the maximum number of services were offered in the community through “Transforming Community Services” creating new ‘patient pathways’ and developing services based on  how the patient should be treated, choosing the best location and time for treatment.


An open invitation to attend NHS Sefton Board meetings was extended to all SEPAC Members and attendees.  The next meeting would be held at 12.30pm28 January 2010 at the Jospice, Thornton. 


Both representatives invited questions from the audience and Members.




(1)               the Area Committee wished for the provision of health care facilities in Maghull to be actively considered by NHS Sefton.  In particular, that the provision of treatment should reflect the needs of local people in terms of accessibility, types of treatment and location; 


(2)               the Area Committee should be kept fully informed of progress on the above discussions within NHS Sefton; 


(3)               when planning health care provision, due consideration be given to the geographical isolation in some parts of the SEPAC area and the lack of public transport; 


(4)               the issues of inconsistencies in GP services and their accessibility be addressed in SEPA.  This relates to both GP appointments and prioritisation of patients according to need and also appointments at times convenient for local people; and


(5)               the Mr P Acres and Ms B. Hartley be thanked for their attendance and presentation.



Presentation - Introduction of Duncan Lamb, Street Services Officer Sefton East Parishes Area

Street Services Officer Sefton East Parishes Area




That due to the non-attendance of Mr Lamb, the item be deferred until the next appropriate meeting of the Committee.


Traffic Regulations Order - Central Square, Maghull. pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director


Further to Minute No 50 of 12 November 2009 the Committee considered the report of Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding the problems with the existing Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which applied to Central Square, Maghull and the difficulty of enforcement of a 2 hour parking restriction in the area; indicating that officers had investigated two alternatives to the current TRO and concluded that the current TRO should remain but that the current lines and signs be amended to allow full enforcement to take place; and that whilst estimated to cost approximately £1,450 - as a significant number of the signs and lines would be required to be renewed to make this option feasible - the option was being fully costed.




That the contents of the report be noted and the recommended option 2 in the report be approved.


Proposed Pedestrian Refuge - Damfield Lane, Maghull - Results of Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 964 KB

Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director


Further to Minute No 56 of the meeting held 12 November 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding the results of the public consultation undertaken in relation to proposed pedestrian Refuge on Damfield Lane; seeking approval for progression of the scheme and indicating that a decision on the matter was required in order to comply with delegations approved within the Council’s Constitution and the protocol agreed with Cabinet Member Technical Services and Area Committee Chairs in Spring 2002 for the progression of Capital Schemes.


The report indicated that a consultation exercise had been undertaken to engage public opinion regarding the frontages of a section of Hall Lane and Damfield Lane, Maghull and an existing splitter island into a pedestrian refuge on Damfield Lane located to the side of 63 Hall Lane, Maghull which required upgrading; that 14 consultation packs consisting of an information flyer, a questionnaire and a plan showing the proposals was delivered to properties fronting the proposed scheme on Wednesday 11 November 2009, and that the closing date for consultation returns was Friday 4 December 2009; that a total of 9 questionnaires were returned by the deadline date, giving a response rate of 64.3%; that of the 9 questionnaires returned, 6 (66.7%) were in favour and 3 (33.3%) were not in favour of the proposed pedestrian refuge on Damfield Lane located to the side of 63 Hall Lane, Maghull.


Copies of the information flyer, a questionnaire and a plan showing the proposals were attached as annexes to the report.




(1)               the results of the consultation exercise be noted; and


(2)               progression of the scheme to introduce the proposed pedestrian refuge on Damfield Lane by the end of the financial year 2009/10 be approved.


Proposed Pedestrian Refuges - Liverpool Road North and Dodds Lane, Maghull - Results of Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director


Further to Minute No 56 of the meeting held 12 November 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding the results of the public consultation undertaken in relation to proposed pedestrian refuge on Liverpool Road North and Dodds Lane; seeking approval for progression of the scheme and indicating that a decision on the matter was required in order to comply with delegations approved within the Council’s Constitution and the protocol agreed with Cabinet Member - Technical Services and Area Committee Chairs in Spring 2002 for the progression of Capital Schemes.


The report indicated that a consultation exercise had been undertaken to engage public opinion regarding the frontages in close proximity of the junction of Liverpool Road North and Dodd’s Lane, Maghull; that 18 consultation packs consisting of an information flyer, a questionnaire and a plan showing the proposals were delivered to properties fronting the proposed scheme on Wednesday 11 November 2009, and that the closing date for consultation returns was Friday 4 December 2009; that a total of 11 questionnaires were returned by the deadline date, giving a response rate of 61.1%; that of the 11 questionnaires returned, 9 (81.8%) were in favour and 2 (18.2%) were not in favour of the two proposed pedestrian refuges.


Mr. Johnston, Technical Service representative responded to concerns that the line of sight from the proximity to the bend of the pedestrian refuge restricted visibility for drivers coming from Maghull station, and whilst the department recognised that it was not an ideal location was not worsening the present situation.


Copies of the consultation flyer, questionnaire and plans of the proposals were attached as Annexes A, B and C.




(1)               the results of the consultation exercise be noted; and


(2)               progression of the scheme to introduce the proposed pedestrian refuges on Liverpool Road North and Dodds Lane by the end of the financial year 2009/10 be approved.


Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Section 53, Application for the Addition of Two Footpaths to Definitive Map and Statement in Respect of School Lane, Aintree pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director


Further to Minute No 77 of the meeting held on 22 March 2007 the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding the application for the addition of two footpaths to a definitive map modification order under Section 53(2) and Section 53(3)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (the ‘Act’) to add the ways shown as pecked lines A-B-C and D-E on drawing number DC0482 to the Councils Definitive Rights of Way Map and Statement; and seeking approval to continue making a modification order under the Act following amendments to the proposed order plan and worded description.


The report indicated that the Committee authorised the Legal Director to make a definitive map modification order under the Act in 2007; that during the administrative processes necessary to make the Order it came to light that the plan in the previous report, which was to be the Order plan, was not totally accurate; that the line drawn on the plan did not replicate the situation on the ground and differed slightly to the written description for the Order i.e. Point A, the start of the path, shown of the map was nearly 10 metres north east of the actual start point; that the written description had also been rechecked and it had been discovered that two of the lengths mentioned needed amending; and that in order to avoid invalidation of the Order and ensure robustness against any potential challenge of the Order at a later date, a further report was required to amend the plan.




That the Legal and Democratic Services Director be authorised to make a definitive map modification order under Section 53(2) and Section 53(3)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to add the ways shown as a pecked line A-B-C and D-E on drawing number DC0482 to the Councils Definitive Rights of Way Map and Statement as detailed in the report.


Thornton to Switch Island Link – Public Consultation and Exhibition pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report of the Strategic Director – Regeneration and Environmental

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding progress in relation to the development of the proposed Thornton to Switch Island Link and the public consultation and exhibition planned for February 2010; indicating that the Thornton Switch Island Link Road Scheme was granted ‘Programme Entry’ into the Department for Transport’s (DfT) programme of major transport schemes, (i.e. schemes costing in excess of £5.0m) in September 2008; that the planning application for the scheme was proposed to be submitted at the beginning of April 2010; that Cabinet approved the proposal to hold a public exhibition of the proposals in advance of the submission of the application at the venues, dates and times below; that members of the project team would be available to explain the scheme and answer questions and that Members would be invited to attend the exhibition and the exhibition would also be publicised as widely as possible in the local area:

(a)               2pm to 8pm at St Frideswyde’s Church, Water Street, Thornton, on Tuesday, February 2; and

(b)               2pm to 8pm at St Benet’s Parish Club, Chapel Lane, Netherton, on Wednesday, February 3.


The report also indicated that in addition to the public exhibitions, it was proposed to offer individual discussions and consultations to the residents most affected by the scheme proposals (i.e. on Chapel Lane, Rothwells Lane and Holgate) and that individual discussions would also be offered to the local landowners and farmers who would be affected. Reports would be presented to all the relevant Area Committees and offers would be made to the Parish Councils for one of the project officers to attend their meetings and explain the scheme proposals.



That the report be noted.


Contaminated Land Inspection Of Former Sefton Meadows Landfills pdf icon PDF 897 KB

Report of the Environmental Protection Director


Further to Minute No 15 of the meeting held on 15 September 2005 the Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of progress made in connection with the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows landfill.


The report indicated that the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of the Council, undertook an inspection of the former landfills to assess whether contaminants were present at concentrations that may pose a significant risk to human health or controlled water;  that following completion of their detailed inspection the EA considered that the areas identified as Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 1 and Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 2 met the requirements to be determined as contaminated land sites and designated as Special Sites; and that the contamination had been shown to be affecting controlled waters and their quality, in that the surface waters were not meeting relevant surface water criteria as set out in the Surface Waters (Fishlife) (Classification) Regulations 1997.


The report concluded that EA had recommended that further investigation was required on sites known as Sefton Meadows East and Sefton Meadows West; that the Council was currently consulting with landowners to establish the scope of further works; and that Environmental Protection Department Officers would assist EA with risk communication, assessment of risks to human health and liaison with the appropriate persons who had interest in the sites.




(1)               the report on the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows Landfills be noted; and


(2)               the Environmental Protection Director be invited to a future meeting to discuss these issues in more detail.



Waddicar Lane Developments, Melling

Verbal update of the Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods


Further to Minute No 58 of the meeting held on 12 November 2009, the Committee considered the briefing noted tabled by the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods, outlining the current situation on the Waddicarr Lane Developments at Satinwood Estate; indicating that Morris Homes had been written to by Sefton Council on 21 December 2009 in order to give formal notice that outstanding works would be undertaken and charged to themselves and any disagreement of this would need to be expressed by 4 January 2010; that Morris Homes, had not submitted an objection and as a courtesy, Sefton Council had emailed Morris Homes on 11 January 2010 to advise them that works would commence and be charged to them. Morris Homes did reply on the same date by email to object to the decision, however, the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods indicated that the manufacture of the materials needed for the works had commenced; that full completion of the works would take approximately 4 weeks; that United Utilities had confirmed that they were progressing the adoption of the sewage drains; and the Highways Department should complete the adoption of the estate by the end of March 2010.


In relation to the footpath on the estate all residents were encouraged to write a letter to notify their Councillor of their concerns regarding the footpath and any associated anti-social behaviour incidents; that Merseyside Police had agreed to write a letter of support for the stopping up of the footpath; that this process could take up to 12 months and therefore fencing off this section of the estate prior to the finalisation of the stopping up order could prejudice the case.




(1)               the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods be thanked for all her efforts to bring a successful conclusion to this situation; and


(2)               the matter remain as a standard item until all works as detailed in the report had been completed.



Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director


Further to Minute No 59 of the meeting held on 12 November 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director that indicated that the balance available for the allocation of 2009/10 budget was as follows.



Balance b/f

2009/10 Budget

2009/10 Litterbins


Street Signs

2009/10 Available

2009/10 Commitments

Balance Available
















SEPAC-wide by Ward 

































Parish/Town Councils

















































Litterbins by Ward

































Street Signs by Ward












































(1)               the balance of the budget available for each Parish/Town Council from the general budget and to each Ward from the SEPAC-wide budget allocations for the rest of the year be noted;


(2)               the balances of the litter bin budget for each Ward be noted;


(3)               an allocation of £380 be made for a litterbin to be sited outside the shops on Grosvenor Road, from the Sudell Ward budget; and


(4)               an allocation of £170 be made for street signs stating Derwent Close and Poverty Lane from the Sudell Ward budget


(5)               an allocation £380 be made for a litterbin in Bobby’s Wood at the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway from the Molyneux Ward budget;


(6)               an allocation of £380 be made form the Melling Ward budget for a bin opposite the shops on Waddicarr Lane;


(7)               an allocation of £380 be made for a litterbin on this road from the Sudell Ward budget at Northway Hall Lane; and


(8)               subject to a report to the Area Committee by the Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods to the next meeting that, an in principle agreement  be given to allocate £1,500 from Melling Parish Council budget, to be used for Melling In Bloom activity.


Correspondence Relating to Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The attached correspondence is for information only.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the correspondence relating to the items raised from the previous meeting.




That the correspondence be noted.


Date of Next Meeting

In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday 18 March, 2010, Lydiate Primary School, Lambshear Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside L31 2JZ.


In accordance with the agreed Schedule of Meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday 18 March 2009 at Lydiate Primary School, Lambshear Lane, Lydiate commencing at 18:30.