Venue: Town Hall, Bootle
Contact: Steve Pearce. Head of Committee and Member Services
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bradshaw, Fenton, Hough, Hubbard, Larkin, Sir Ron Watson and Weavers. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were received:
Minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2011 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 27 January 2011 be approved as a correct record. |
Mayor's Communications Minutes: Death of Former Councillor Mrs Edith Mildred Monk
The Mayor reported on the recent sad death of former Councillor Mrs Edith Mildred Monk who served Southport Number 10 Ward (Meols) from 1974 until 1986, and will be remembered for her involvement with the Education Committee.
A Service was held for Mrs Monk at Southport Crematorium on 2 February 2011 which the Mayor attended on behalf of the Borough.
Additional Agenda Item
The Mayor reported that an additional item would be considered under Minute No. 92 to deal with the selection of the Deputy Chair for 2011/12 and the amendments which would need to be made to the Council's Constitution. |
Matters Raised by the Public The details of two petitions submitted in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme are attached. The petitions request the Council to:
1) reverse the decision taken by the Council on 27 January 2011, to stop the funding of the seven Local Authority Youth Centres; reconsider the cessation of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme, and make no further cuts to Tier 2 funding of youth services
2) reduce and/or defer the budget saving of £3m required from the Sefton New Directions budget to allow further and proper meaningful discussions to take place around service provision and terms and conditions
A representative of each deputation will be permitted to speak for up to five minutes in support of their petition
(The details of any further Petitions submitted by members of the public will be circulated at the meeting) Additional documents: Minutes: 1) The Mayor reported that a petition with 21,557 signatures had been submitted objecting to the decision taken by the Council on 27 January 2011 to stop the funding of seven Local Authority Youth Clubs, cease the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and reduce funding for Tier 2 Youth Services. A copy of the supporting statement submitted with the petition had been included in the agenda for the meeting.
In accordance with the Council's Petition Scheme, Mr J. Wilson of Southport, the lead petitioner, made a statement in support of the petition.
Councillor Robertson referred to the decision taken by Cabinet earlier that day (Cabinet Minute No. 240 refers) relating to Youth Services which would be subject to further discussion under Minute 88 below, and a debate took place on the content of the petition.
It was then moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That the petition be noted.
2) The Mayor reported that another petition with 2,965 signatures had been submitted requesting the Council to reduce and/or defer the amount required from Sefton New Directions, to allow further and proper meaningful discussions to take place around service provision and terms and conditions. A copy of the supporting statement submitted with the petition had been included in the agenda for the meeting.
In accordance with the Council's Petition Scheme, Mr. G. Williams, the Branch Secretary of Unison, the lead petitioner, made a statement in support of the petition.
Following debate on the content of the petition, it was then moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
(1) the petition be noted; and
(2) independent officers submit a report on the implications of taking the action requested in the petition to the Cabinet for consideration.
3) The Mayor reported that a member of the public had submitted a question to the Leader of the Council in accordance with the provisions in the Council and Committee Procedure Rules.
Mr T. Dawson of Southport put the following question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Robertson:
"There are presently 22 local government wards within the local government area administered by Sefton MBC, with an average electorate of just under 10,000. However, several wards have electorates which are nearer to 9,000 and one or two are closer to 8,000. Has Sefton MBC any plans to ask the Electoral Commission to initiative a Review of the local government representation in the District to consider a reduction in the number of wards to 21?"
Councillor Robertson gave the following response:
“May I thank Mr. Dawson for raising this important matter. My view is that as far as reasonably possible the electorate of each Sefton ward should be closely matched. Recent boundary reviews have shown that whilst some wards increase in electorate/population others decrease, so in short periods of time (just a few years in fact) the electorate of some wards can become unbalanced from the average size of ward. I am more than happy to pursue this matter ... view the full minutes text for item 79. |
Questions Raised by Members of the Council To receive and consider questions to Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees or Spokespersons for any of the Joint Authorities upon any matter within their portfolio/area of responsibility, of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 12 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules. Minutes: The Council considered a written question from Councillor Jones to the Cabinet Member - Corporate Services relating to the provision of IT equipment for Members of the Council and a written question from Councillor P. Dowd to the Cabinet Member – Children’s Services relating to Netherton Activity Centre and the responses made by the Cabinet Members. One supplementary question was put and responded to. |
Modernising Democratic Services Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute Nos. 215 and 247 of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 17 February and 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided details of proposed changes to the democratic processes, including the Programme of Meetings for 2011/12 in order to meet the savings agreed by the Council on 16 December 2010.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
(1) the report be noted;
(2) approval be given to the Scheme of Delegation for Cabinet Members being revised in the Council Constitution to allow all non-key decisions to be delegated to Cabinet Members;
(3) approval be given to the Programme of Meetings for the Council and Regulatory Committees; Overview and Scrutiny Committees; and Members' Briefings for the 2011/12 Municipal Year, as set out in Appendix C of the report;
(4) approval be given to the cancellation of the meetings set out in paragraph 4.7 of the report; and
(5) approval be given to the Programme of Meetings for Area Committees for the 2011/12 Municipal Year, as set out in Appendix D of the report. |
Report of the Director of Corporate Services Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 15 of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 3 February 2011 and Minute No. 214 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 17 February 2011, the Council considered the report of the Director of Corporate Services on proposals submitted by the Independent Remuneration Panel for a reduction in the 2011/12 Scheme of Members' Allowances.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That approval be given to
(1) the recommendations made by the Independent Remuneration Panel in paragraph 2.2 of the report;
(2) the changes being implemented with effect from 1 April 2011;
(3) the proposed Scheme of Members' Allowances set out in Annex A of the report; and
(4) the Independent Remuneration Panel being asked to formally review the full Members' Allowances Scheme during 2011/12. |
Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2011/12
Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer Minutes: Further to Minute No. 236 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered a report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on the proposed procedures and strategy to be adopted in respect of the Council's Treasury Management Function in 2011/12.
At its meeting held earlier that day, the Cabinet had considered the report and endorsed the recommendations set out in the report.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That approval be given to:
(1) the Treasury Management Policy Document for 2011/12;
(2) the Treasury Management Strategy Document for 2011/12;
(3) the amendment to Banking arrangements contained within the Financial Procedures Rules of the Constitution;
(4) the Money Laundering Policy Document; and
(5) the option set out in Section 5 of the report being used as the basis for the calculation of the Minimum Revenue Provision or Debt Repayment in 2011/12. |
Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer Minutes: Further to Minute No. 237 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on proposals to establish the Prudential Indicators required under the Prudential Code of Capital Finance in Local Authorities. This would enable the Council to effectively manage its capital Finance Activities, and comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Prudential Code of Capital Finance in Local Authorities.
At its meeting held earlier that day, the Cabinet had considered the report and endorsed the recommendations set out in the report.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That approval be given to:
(1) the Prudential Indicators detailed in the report, and summarised in Annex A, as the basis for compliance with The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities;
(2) the amendment of relevant Prudential Indicators in the event that any unsupported borrowing is approved as part of the 2011/12 Revenue Budget; and
(3) delegated authority being granted to the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT to manage the authorised Limit and Operational Boundary for external debt as detailed in Section 5 of the report. |
Joint report of the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy and the Strategic Directors – Children, Schools and Families; Communities; and Social Care and Wellbeing Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 238 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered a joint report of the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT and the Strategic Directors for Communities, Social Care and Wellbeing and Children, Schools and Families, which set out the latest position in respect of the 2010/11 Capital Programme and its implications into 2011/12. The report also gave details of the capital resource notifications received from Central Government.
The report also set out proposals for the amendment of the Council Constitution to improve the accountability and management of the Capital Programme.
The Cabinet also considered an addendum to the report produced by the Strategic Director - Children, Schools and Families, seeking approval for Phase 2 of the Aintree Davenhill Scheme to be progressed.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne:
(1) the revised phasing of the ongoing Capital Programme as shown in Annex A of the report be approved;
(2) approval be given to the inclusion of the Leisure and Tourism capital schemes, funded from specific capital resources and outlined in paragraph 2.4 of the report, in the 2010/11 Capital Programme;
(3) the proposals outlined in section 3 of the report to change the Scheme of Delegation in the Council Constitution be approved;
(4) approval be given to the allocations detailed in paragraph 4.5.1 of the report being utilised by the relevant service, with proposals for their use reported in line with the changes to the Constitution as referred to in (3) above;
(5) the approval by the Environment Agency of the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme 2011/16 as outlined in paragraph 4.5.11 of the report be noted; and
(6) approval be given to the inclusion of the funding identified in paragraph 1.3 of the addendum to the report for the completion of Aintree Davenhill Phase 2 works.
An amendment was then moved by Councillor Hands and seconded by Councillor Shaw that the motion be amended by the addition of the following text:
"(7) That the Council does not proceed with the Southport Market refurbishment and that the item be removed from the Capital programme, and a report be submitted to the Cabinet on the future operation of the Market.”
Following debate, on a show of hands, the amendment was lost by 33 votes to 26.
Following further debate, on a show of hands, the Substantive Motion was carried, and it was
(1) the revised phasing of the ongoing Capital Programme as shown in Annex A of the report be approved;
(2) approval be given to the inclusion of the Leisure and Tourism capital schemes, funded from specific capital resources and outlined in paragraph 2.4 of the report, in the 2010/11 Capital Programme;
(3) the proposals outlined in section 3 of the report to change the Scheme of Delegation in the Council Constitution be approved;
(4) approval be given to the ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |
Local Government Act 2003 - Chief Financial Officer's Requirements Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer Minutes: Further to Minute No. 239 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer which provided an assessment on the robustness of the estimates, the adequacy of the financial reserves and the longer term revenue and capital plans based on the proposals in the report on the Transformation Programme to be considered under Minute No. 88.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That the report be noted. |
Statements by Party Group Leaders To receive statements by the three Party Group Leaders on the Revenue Budget for 20011/12 Minutes: The Leaders of the three Political Groups, Councillors Robertson, P. Dowd and Parry made statements and outlined the policies of their respective Groups in respect of the budget for 2011/12. |
Transformation Programme and Final Revenue Budget Options 2011/12
Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 240 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on proposals to finalise the 2011/12 Budget within the prioritisation framework agreed by the Council.
The Mayor referred to the copy of the Cabinet resolution on this issue (Cabinet Minute 240 refers) which had been circulated around the Council Chamber, and which incorporated details of the following corrections to the report, which do not affect the total budget figure:
Paragraph 7.1Coast and Countryside value should read £306,000
Arts and Cultural Services value should read £497,000; and
Appendix B - Item 7.1.9 Arts and Culture should read £497,000 in 2011/12
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Parry:
That the recommendations set out in Minute No. 240 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3 March 2011, as circulated to Members of the Council be approved.
A lengthy debate took place on the content of the Cabinet recommendation.
On a show of hands, the motion was carried by 36 votes to 23 and it was
(1) the progress to date on the Transformation Programme be noted;
(2) the Neighbourhoods and Safer/Stronger Communities Review be approved; it be confirmed that their activities be funded to the value of £1.2m and officers be mandated to commence a consultation process with partners, key stakeholders, employees and Trade Unions, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;
(3) approval be given to the additional savings/budget adjustments outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report and totalling £0.95m;
(4) approval be given to the further savings proposals relating to management and support costs set out in paragraph 4 of the report and officers be mandated to continue/commence the consultation process with suppliers, employees and Trade Unions, with a view to realising the reduction in costs identified, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;
(5) the balance of Management and Support savings yet to be identified be noted and officers be requested to report back on specific proposals to meet this target;
(6) the update on Terms and Conditions and the Social Care Funding be noted and approval be given to the inclusion of the savings within the final approved budget;
(7) the assessment of Tier 2 services in line with the previous resolution of Council and the specific savings proposals set out in Appendix B of the report be approved subject to the deletion of the savings relating to Targeted Youth and Detached Youth Work, and Officers be mandated to continue the consultation process with relevant stakeholders, employees and Trade Unions, with a view to realising the reduction in costs identified;
(8) the shortfall of £0.30m on the savings achievable from Tier 3 in 2011/12 only be noted, subject to a combined saving target of £1m being applied to all Youth Service activities in 2012/13 with a part year effect of £500,000 in 2011/12 and a redesign of the Youth Service ... view the full minutes text for item 88. |
Council Tax Recommendation 2011/12 Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer
A copy of the draft Budget Resolution will be circulated at the Council meeting Minutes: Further to Minute No. 241 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on the level of levies and precepts set for 2011/12 and the proposed Council Tax for 2011/12, based on the budget resolutions referred to in Minute No. 88 above.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
(1) it be noted that at its meeting on 27 January 2011, the Council calculated the following amounts for the year 2011/2012 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:
(2) that the following amounts be calculated by the Council for the year 2011/2012 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:
Membership of Committees 2010/11 To consider any changes to the Membership of any committees etc. Minutes: There were no changes to the membership of Committees. |
Notice of Motion by Councillor P. Dowd To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor P. Dowd:
“That the Council recognises the concerns expressed in a letter to The Times Newspaper of 10 February 2011, by 91 Liberal Democrat Council Group Leaders, that the Coalition Government’s frontloading of their cuts to local government are too big and are proceeding too quickly. The Council also recognises that the Government should deploy all its efforts to help Councils’ minimise the impact on vulnerable communities and frontline services.
Furthermore, the Council would wish to discuss with the Secretary of State how it could take on the difficult challenges shared by all levels of government and would prefer to do this through dialogue. Therefore, the Council requests that the three MPs for Sefton assist in organising a tripartite meeting with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the three Party Leaders and the MPs themselves.”
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher:
"That the Council recognises the concerns expressed in a letter to The Times Newspaper of 10 February 2011, by 91 Liberal Democrat Council Group Leaders, that the Coalition Government's frontloading of their cuts to local government are too big and are proceeding too quickly. The Council also recognises that the Government should deploy all its efforts to help Councils minimise the impact on vulnerable communities and frontline services.
Furthermore, the Council would wish to discuss with the Secretary of State how it could take on the difficult challenges shared by all levels of government and would prefer to do this through dialogue. Therefore, the Council requests that the three MPs for Sefton assist in organising a tripartite meeting with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the three Party Leaders and the MPs themselves."
An amendment was then moved by Councillor Robertson and seconded by Councillor Parry that the motion be amended by:
the insertion of the text “in the Borough of Sefton” after the words “tripartite meeting” in the second paragraph of the motion.
Councillor P. Dowd indicated that he would accept the amendment.
On a show of hands, the Revised Motion was carried and it was
That the Council recognises the concerns expressed in a letter to The Times Newspaper of 10 February 2011, by 91 Liberal Democrat Council Group Leaders, that the Coalition Government's frontloading of their cuts to local government are too big and are proceeding too quickly. The Council also recognises that the Government should deploy all its efforts to help Councils minimise the impact on vulnerable communities and frontline services.
Furthermore, the Council would wish to discuss with the Secretary of State how it could take on the difficult challenges shared by all levels of government and would prefer to do this through dialogue. Therefore, the Council requests that the three MPs for Sefton assist in organising a tripartite meeting in the Borough of Sefton with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the three Party Leaders and the MPs themselves. |
Selection of Deputy Chair for 2011/12 Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Minutes: Further to Minute No. 248 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive on proposals for the appointment of a Deputy Chair of Council Meetings for 2011/12 instead of a Deputy Mayor.
Councillor Robertson indicated that the Cabinet at its meeting held earlier that day had recommended that Councillor M. Fearn be elected as the Deputy Chair of Council Meetings for 2011/12 at the Annual Council Meeting on 12 May 2011.
It was then moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That approval be given to the amendment of Article 5 of the Council Constitution to reflect the amended role of Deputy Chair for 2011/12 and to the deletion of the payment of a Deputy Mayor's Allowance in the Members' Allowances Scheme. |