Venue: Town Hall, Southport
Contact: Steve Pearce Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item | |||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ball, Bradshaw, Cummins, McCann, Owens, Pitt and Anne Thompson. |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.
Minutes: In accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations of personal interest were made and the Members concerned left the Council Chamber during the consideration of the item:
Minutes of Previous Meetings PDF 54 KB Minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 17 May 2016; Adjourned Annual Council meeting held on 19 May 2016 and Extraordinary Council meeting held on16 June 2016 Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 17 May 2016, the Adjourned Annual Council Meeting held on 19 May 2016 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 16 June 2016 be approved as a correct record. |
Mayor's Communications Minutes: Battle of the Somme Commemorations
The Mayor reported that he was very honoured to attend the Battle of the Somme Commemoration Event at Southport on 1 July 2016 and to read the poem and lay a wreath. The two events held at Bootle and Southport were very well attended and well organised by the officers.
Ernest Jones - Legion of Honour Medal
The Mayor reported that he was privileged to present Mr Ernest Jones with the Legion of Honour Medal at Southport Hospital on 21June 2016. Unfortunately Mr Jones was extremely ill at that time and sadly passed away on 25June 2016. |
Matters Raised by the Public To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraph 36 to 46 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution. Minutes: The Mayor reported that no matters had been raised by Members of the Public. |
Questions Raised by Members of the Council PDF 85 KB To receive and consider questions to Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees or Spokespersons for any of the Joint Authorities upon any matter within their portfolio/area of responsibility, of which notice has been given by Members of the Council in accordance with Paragraph 48 to 50 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules, set out in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution. Minutes: The Council considered a schedule setting out the written questions submitted by:
· Councillor Barton to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration and Skills (Councillor Atkinson);
· Councillor Booth to the Cabinet Cabinet Member – Regeneration and Skills (Councillor Atkinson);
· Councillor Hands to the Cabinet Member - Locality Services (Councillor Fairclough);
· Councillor Lynne Thompson to the Cabinet Member - Locality Services (Councillor Fairclough);
· Councillor Dawson to the Cabinet Member – Adult Social Care (Councillor Cummins);
· Councillor McGuire to the Cabinet Member – Adult Social Care (Councillor Cummins);
· Councillor McGuire to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Maher);
· Councillor McGuire to the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing (Councillor Hardy)
together with the responses given. Supplementary question were responded to by the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Skills, and Locality Services. |
Capital Programme Capital Allocations 2016/17 PDF 171 KB Report of the Head of Corporate Resources Minutes: Further to Minute No. 15 of the Cabinet meeting held on 23 June 2016, the Council considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources which provided details of the 2016/17 Capital Allocations received to date and their proposed use in the development of a new starts programme for 2016/2017. The report indicated that £5.245m of new investments from the Single Capital Pot were aimed to improve the facilities and services to residents throughout Sefton.
It was moved by Councillor Maher, seconded by Councillor Fairclough and
(1) approval be given to the inclusion within the Capital Investment Plan of the capital schemes to be funded from the 2016/17 Single Capital Pot, as outlined in Appendix A of the report;
(2) approval be given to the inclusion within the Capital Investment Plan of the capital scheme to be funded from Prudential Borrowing as outlined in Appendix B of the report; and
(3) approval be given to the inclusion within the Capital Investment Plan of the self-funded capital schemes as outlined in Appendix C of the report. |
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2015/16 PDF 514 KB Report attached Minutes: The Council considered the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2015/16 and Councillors John Kelly, Murphy, Page and Robinson highlighted the key areas of work undertaken by the respective Committees and thanked Members and Officers for their support and assistance during 2015/16.
It was moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Murphy and
That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2015/16 be noted. |
Membership of Committees 2016/17 To consider any changes to the Membership of any committees etc. Minutes: Councillor Grace proposed that Councillor Thomas should replace Councillor Burns as one of the Council’s representatives on the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel and the Sefton Safer Communities Partnership.
That the change in representation on the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel and the Sefton Safer Communities Partnership be approved. |
Motion Submitted by Councillor Maher To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Maher:
“Sefton believes that the effects of climate change are clearly apparent on the environment we all share.
Fracking (hydraulic fracturing for shale gas) as an energy source negatively adds to global climate change and locally could:
· Potentially pollute or affect water resources in the area due to the chemical process of extraction or any improperly managed storage of ‘flowback’ water;
· Impact on water resources due to the impact of the high volume water consumption used in the process; and
· Increase the risk of any seismic activity from hydraulic fracturing which may impact on areas of population.
This Council recognises the complexity of recent decisions by Lancashire County Council to refuse planning applications (to drill, fracture and flow test up to four wells at both Roseacre Wood and Preston New Road). These decisions highlight the continuing reservations and commonly held concerns regarding the impact of such operations, particularly in these locations relating to amenity, noise, transport and landscape grounds.
This Council agrees to confirm its opposition to unconventional gas extraction (including underground coal gasification, coal bed methane and fracking under Sefton and neighbouring local authority areas) until such time as the Council is satisfied as to the safety and regulation of the processes and the robustness of mechanisms to mitigate short and long term impacts.
The Council would expect that any adverse risks relating to community, environmental, transport and health impacts would be fully addressed should any proposals be submitted for planning consent and that any tangible economic and community benefits will be evidenced fully to the Council’s satisfaction.
This Council also calls on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the other Liverpool City Region local authorities to pass a similar motion.” Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Maher, seconded by Councillor Lappin:
“Sefton believes that the effects of climate change are clearly apparent on the environment we all share.
Fracking (hydraulic fracturing for shale gas) as an energy source negatively adds to global climate change and locally could:
· Potentially pollute or affect water resources in the area due to the chemical process of extraction or any improperly managed storage of ‘flowback’ water;
· Impact on water resources due to the impact of the high volume water consumption used in the process; and
· Increase the risk of any seismic activity from hydraulic fracturing which may impact on areas of population.
This Council recognises the complexity of recent decisions by Lancashire County Council to refuse planning applications (to drill, fracture and flow test up to four wells at both Roseacre Wood and Preston New Road). These decisions highlight the continuing reservations and commonly held concerns regarding the impact of such operations, particularly in these locations relating to amenity, noise, transport and landscape grounds.
This Council agrees to confirm its opposition to unconventional gas extraction (including underground coal gasification, coal bed methane and fracking under Sefton and neighbouring local authority areas) until such time as the Council is satisfied as to the safety and regulation of the processes and the robustness of mechanisms to mitigate short and long term impacts.
The Council would expect that any adverse risks relating to community, environmental, transport and health impacts would be fully addressed should any proposals be submitted for planning consent and that any tangible economic and community benefits will be evidenced fully to the Council’s satisfaction.
This Council also calls on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the other Liverpool City Region local authorities to pass a similar motion.”
An amendment was moved by Councillor Weavers, seconded by Councillor Booth that the Motion be amended by the addition of the words at the end of the first paragraph:
"We are fortunate that we have on our local coast a tidal and wind resource which could enable us to provide local consumers with clean and sustainable energy."
Following debate, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared the amendment was lost by 29 votes to 11.
A further amendment was moved by Councillor Gannon, seconded by Councillor Bennett that the Motion be amended by the addition of the following new paragraph at the end of the third paragraph: “This Council notes that there are possible significant adverse impacts from shale gas exploration and exploitation, including water contamination and air pollution and this Council calls on her Majesty's Government to impose a moratorium on shale gas in the UK.”
Following debate, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared the amendment was lost by 29 votes to 11.
Following debate and in accordance with Paragraph 93 of Chapter 4 in the Constitution, the voting on the Motion was recorded and the Members of the Council present at the time, voted as follows:
Councillors ... view the full minutes text for item 32. |
Motion Submitted by Councillor McGuire To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor McGuire:
“This Council recognises that:
· Honorary Consuls (“Consuls”) aim to promote and strengthen mutual understanding between themselves and local governmental, commercial and business bodies whilst assisting when necessary, residents of Merseyside who come from the countries the Consuls represent;
· the role of the Consuls is to promote at a local and national level, a mutual understanding between citizens in the Boroughs of Merseyside and the countries the Consuls represent;
· such cooperation is useful in reducing racism as well as promoting jobs and/or commerce within the Merseyside region;
· Consuls work with local councils, mainly through Mayors, in order to foster good international relations;
· a number of Embassies and High Commissions have not appointed Honorary consuls who are resident in the Merseyside region to represent the citizens of those countries, locally.
This Council resolves to request the Mayor of Sefton to work in conjunction with the Liverpool and Sefton Chamber of Commerce and the Honorary Consulate of Finland for the Merseyside region, in order to write to the Embassies and High Commissions who have not appointed Honorary Consuls who reside within the Merseyside region. This would be with a view to asking those Embassies and High Commissions to consider appointing Honorary Consuls who would reside within the Sefton and the Merseyside region and work with local councils in order to further international understanding and mutual cooperation at a local level.” Minutes: It was moved by Councillor McGuire, seconded by Councillor Maher and unanimously
This Council recognises that:
· Honorary Consuls (“Consuls”) aim to promote and strengthen mutual understanding between themselves and local governmental, commercial and business bodies whilst assisting when necessary, residents of Merseyside who come from the countries the Consuls represent;
· the role of the Consuls is to promote at a local and national level, a mutual understanding between citizens in the Boroughs of Merseyside and the countries the Consuls represent;
· such cooperation is useful in reducing racism as well as promoting jobs and/or commerce within the Merseyside region;
· Consuls work with local councils, mainly through Mayors, in order to foster good international relations;
· a number of Embassies and High Commissions have not appointed Honorary consuls who are resident in the Merseyside region to represent the citizens of those countries, locally.
This Council resolves to request the Mayor of Sefton to work in conjunction with the Liverpool and Sefton Chamber of Commerce and the Honorary Consulate of Finland for the Merseyside region, in order to write to the Embassies and High Commissions who have not appointed Honorary Consuls who reside within the Merseyside region. This would be with a view to asking those Embassies and High Commissions to consider appointing Honorary Consuls who would reside within the Sefton and the Merseyside region and work with local councils in order to further international understanding and mutual cooperation at a local level. |
Motion Submitted by Councillor Hardy To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Hardy:
“We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. We in Sefton Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.
Sefton Council will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have support needed to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia.
We will reassure all people living in Sefton that they are valued members of our community.” Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Hardy, seconded by Councillor McGuire and unanimously
We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. We in Sefton Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.
Sefton Council will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have support needed to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia.
We will reassure all people living in Sefton that they are valued members of our community. |
Motion Submitted by Councillor Hardy To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Hardy:
“This Council:
· Notes that 2016 is the twenty-first anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which saw over 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Serbian nationalist forces;
· Notes that in 2009 the European Parliament passed a resolution that 11 July should be recognised as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide all over the EU; and in 2015 urged the development of educational and cultural programmes that promote an understanding of the causes of such atrocities and raise awareness about the need to nurture peace and to promote human rights and interreligious tolerance;
· Applauds the work of those involved in the pursuit of justice for the victims and their surviving relatives, including the International Commission of Missing People (ICMP) and the Mothers of Srebrenica, whose courage and humility in the face of unthinkable horror is an inspiration to us all; and
· Commends the work of the charity, Remembering Srebrenica, in raising awareness of this tragic and preventable genocide and working in communities across Britain to help them learn the lessons of Srebrenica.
The Council resolves to:
· Support Srebrenica memorial events in July each year throughout Sefton as part of the UK-wide Remembering Srebrenica Memorial Week; and
· Support the work of Remembering Srebrenica in communities across Sefton to learn the lessons from Srebrenica to tackle hatred and intolerance to help build a better, safer and more cohesive society for everyone.” Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Hardy, seconded by Councillor Lappin and unanimously
This Council:
· Notes that 2016 is the twenty-first anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which saw over 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Serbian nationalist forces;
· Notes that in 2009 the European Parliament passed a resolution that 11 July should be recognised as the day of commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide all over the EU; and in 2015 urged the development of educational and cultural programmes that promote an understanding of the causes of such atrocities and raise awareness about the need to nurture peace and to promote human rights and interreligious tolerance;
· Applauds the work of those involved in the pursuit of justice for the victims and their surviving relatives, including the International Commission of Missing People (ICMP) and the Mothers of Srebrenica, whose courage and humility in the face of unthinkable horror is an inspiration to us all; and
· Commends the work of the charity, Remembering Srebrenica, in raising awareness of this tragic and preventable genocide and working in communities across Britain to help them learn the lessons of Srebrenica.
The Council resolves to:
· Support Srebrenica memorial events in July each year throughout Sefton as part of the UK-wide Remembering Srebrenica Memorial Week; and
· Support the work of Remembering Srebrenica in communities across Sefton to learn the lessons from Srebrenica to tackle hatred and intolerance to help build a better, safer and more cohesive society for everyone. |
Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Dawson:
“This Council:
1. Recognises and respects the national majority viewpoint expressed in the recent national referendum on EU membership;
2. Notes that the voters resident within the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton expressed by majority a collective wish that Britain should remain in the EU;
3. Expresses concern at the lack of clarity in content and timetable as to what measures are going to be taken in respect of several key issues identified in the Referendum the coming months;
4. Recognising that EU funding is currently available for a range of projects, training and investments to support our local and regional economy, and recognising the present uncertainty as to how these funding streams might be replaced, believes that arrangements must be made to secure equivalent replacement funding;
5. Calls on the Government to clarify the funding situation in respect of all EU-funded projects, offer certainty to our region, and to continue programmes as previously-envisaged;
6. Seeks assurances from the UK Government and any successor government that it will match, pound for pound, any funding streams that appear to be now at risk;
7. Believes that it is in the interests of the residents of Sefton Metropolitan Borough, the North West of England and Britain as a whole that the United Kingdom should remain within the Single European Market; and
8. Requests the Leader of the Council inform the Government and the Local Government Association of the Council's views on this matter with the intention that Sefton MBC should work with other Local Authorities towards ensuring that the negotiating position of the United Kingdom with the EU has the single market at its core.” Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dawson, seconded by Councillor McGuire:
“This Council:
1. Recognises and respects the national majority viewpoint expressed in the recent national referendum on EU membership;
2. Notes that the voters resident within the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton expressed by majority a collective wish that Britain should remain in the EU;
3. Expresses concern at the lack of clarity in content and timetable as to what measures are going to be taken in respect of several key issues identified in the Referendum the coming months;
4. Recognising that EU funding is currently available for a range of projects, training and investments to support our local and regional economy, and recognising the present uncertainty as to how these funding streams might be replaced, believes that arrangements must be made to secure equivalent replacement funding;
5. Calls on the Government to clarify the funding situation in respect of all EU-funded projects, offer certainty to our region, and to continue programmes as previously-envisaged;
6. Seeks assurances from the UK Government and any successor government that it will match, pound for pound, any funding streams that appear to be now at risk;
7. Believes that it is in the interests of the residents of Sefton Metropolitan Borough, the North West of England and Britain as a whole that the United Kingdom should remain within the Single European Market; and
8. Requests the Leader of the Council inform the Government and the Local Government Association of the Council's views on this matter with the intention that Sefton MBC should work with other Local Authorities towards ensuring that the negotiating position of the United Kingdom with the EU has the single market at its core.”
Following debate, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Motion was carried by 51 votes to none with 4 abstentions and it was
This Council:
1. Recognises and respects the national majority viewpoint expressed in the recent national referendum on EU membership;
2. Notes that the voters resident within the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton expressed by majority a collective wish that Britain should remain in the EU;
3. Expresses concern at the lack of clarity in content and timetable as to what measures are going to be taken in respect of several key issues identified in the Referendum the coming months;
4. Recognising that EU funding is currently available for a range of projects, training and investments to support our local and regional economy, and recognising the present uncertainty as to how these funding streams might be replaced, believes that arrangements must be made to secure equivalent replacement funding;
5. Calls on the Government to clarify the funding situation in respect of all EU-funded projects, offer certainty to our region, and to continue programmes as previously-envisaged;
6. Seeks assurances from the UK Government and any successor government that it will match, pound for pound, any funding streams that appear to be now at risk;
7. Believes that it is in the interests of the ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |