Venue: Town Hall, Southport
Contact: Debbie Campbell Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Byrom, Carlin, Halsall, John Kelly, Sonya Kelly, Killen, Lloyd-Johnson, Lunn-Bates, Spencer, Anne Thompson and Webster.
Declarations of Interest Members are requested at a meeting where a disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest arises, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests, todeclare any interests that relate to an item on the agenda.
Where a Member discloses a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, he/she must withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest, except where he/she is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of a dispensation.
Where a Member discloses a personal interest he/she must seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or staff member representing the Monitoring Officer to determine whether the Member should withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest or whether the Member can remain in the meeting or remain in the meeting and vote on the relevant decision.
Minutes: In accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations of personal interest were made and the Members concerned remained in the room during the consideration of the item:
Minutes of Previous Meetings PDF 475 KB Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 14 September 2023 and the Extra-Ordinary Council meeting held on 19 October 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 14 September 2023 and the Extra-Ordinary Council meeting held on 19 October 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Mayor's Communications Minutes: White Ribbon Campaign
The Mayor highlighted a cause that was important to her. White Ribbon Day was a campaign held every year on 25 November aimed at raising awareness about ending violence against women and girls. It was an excellent opportunity to unite to stand up against all forms of violence, abuse and harassment towards women and girls. She encouraged all Members to take the White Ribbon pledge of ‘I promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women’.
To show support for the campaign the Mayor asked everyone present to participate by standing and holding up a picture of a White Ribbon, whilst the Communications Officer took a group photograph.
Remembrance Sunday
The Mayor thanked her fellow Members who attended the various Remembrance Sunday Services across the Borough as her representatives. She reflected that the day was hugely important for veterans and communities in Sefton and all the services were well attended, despite the weather!
Mayor of Sefton’s Gala Charity Ball 2024
Tickets would soon be on sale soon for the Mayor’s Gala Charity Ball which would be on Saturday, 6 April 2024, at Formby Hall. Tickets were priced at £50.00 which included a welcome drink, three course meal and entertainment. It was an important event as the money raised went towards supporting local charities and organisations who did so much for local communities. The Mayor encouraged her fellow Members present to purchase a ticket and attend this wonderful event.
Visit to Mons
The Mayor had undertaken a twinning visit to Mons from 5 to 8 October 2023, to discuss plans in preparation for the 60th anniversary of twinning arrangements between Sefton and Mons, in 2025.
Mock Council
Pupils at Norwood Primary School, Southport, had visited Southport Town Hall on 6 November 2023, to take part in a mock Council debate on the subject of homework provision, which the children and the Mayor had thoroughly enjoyed.
Anti Bullying Launch, Anglican Cathedral
The Mayor had attended an Anti-Bullying Launch event at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on Monday 13November 2023, with participating children telling a story about bullying, in sign language. The Mayor had found the experience to be very moving.
Matters Raised by the Public PDF 107 KB To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraph 36 to 47 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.
(Details of any further petitions notified or questions submitted by members of the public will be circulated at the meeting). Minutes: The Council considered a schedule setting out the written questions submitted by:
together with responses given.
The member of the public who had submitted the question was in attendance at the Council meeting and a supplementary question was responded to by the Cabinet Member - Communities and Housing.
That the question and response, as set out in the schedule, be noted.
Questions Raised by Members of the Council PDF 421 KB To receive and consider questions to Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees or Spokespersons for any of the Joint Authorities upon any matter within their portfolio/area of responsibility, of which notice has been given by Members of the Council in accordance with Paragraph 49 to 51 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules, set out in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution. Minutes: The Council considered a schedule setting out the written questions submitted by:
together with responses given. Supplementary questions to questions 2, 4, 6, 10 and 11 were responded to by the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Locality Services; and the Cabinet Members for Communities and Housing; Regeneration and Skills; and Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services.
Draft Licensing Policy 2023 PDF 334 KB Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Highways and Public Protection) Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 18 of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 6 November 2023, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Director Place (Highways and Public Protection) that sought approval of the final draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
The following annexes were attached to the report:
· Annex 1 – Responses received to consultation exercise. · Annex 2 – Final draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy · Annex 3 – List of revisions to the 2023 draft policy
That the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, attached at Annex 2 of the report, be approved.
Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership PDF 359 KB Report of the Assistant Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services (Strategic Support) Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Assistant Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services (Strategic Support) that sought authority for the Council to become a member of the new statutory Integrated Care Partnership for Cheshire and Merseyside (to be known as the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership), and to agree its terms of reference.
Draft Terms of Reference for the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership were attached to the report.
(1) the Council agrees to become a member of the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership;
(2) the terms of reference of the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership, set out in the Appendix, be adopted;
(3) the Cabinet Member – Health and Wellbeing be nominated to be the Council’s representative on the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership;
(4) delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to nominate such officers to the Cheshire & Merseyside Health and Care Partnership as considered appropriate; and
(5) delegated authority be given to the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer & Monitoring Officer to make such amendments to the Constitution as are necessary as a result of this decision.
Elected Member Development – Mandatory Courses for All Councillors PDF 223 KB Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services that sought formal approval in respect of the courses designated as mandatory for elected Members, as detailed in paragraph 1.0 of the report, and for Climate Change training to be added as a mandatory course, as detailed in paragraph 2.0 of the report.
(1) the elected Member mandatory course completion requirements, as detailed in paragraph 1.0 of the report, be approved; and
(2) Climate Change training be designated as mandatory for elected Members, with a completion requirement of every four years, per Councillor Term of Office.
Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services Minutes: Further to Minute No. 77 (11) of the Cabinet meeting of 2 November 2023, the Council considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services that set out a supplementary estimate for approval in the Council’s Capital Programme following a recommendation by the Cabinet.
That a supplementary capital estimate of £0.012m for the works at Foul Lane, Southport, funded by capital receipts, be approved.
Treasury Management Position to September 2023 PDF 850 KB Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services Minutes: Further to Minute No. 78 of the Cabinet meeting of 2 November 2023, the Council considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services that provided a review of the Treasury Management activities undertaken to 30 September 2023. The report was the mid-year report to the Cabinet and the Council, as well as the second report of the on-going quarterly monitoring provided to the Audit and Governance Committee, whose role it was to carry out scrutiny of treasury management policies and practices.
That the Treasury Management update to 30 September 2023, to review the effects of decisions taken in pursuit of the Treasury Management Strategy and to consider the implications of changes resulting from regulatory, economic and market factors affecting the Council’s treasury management activities, be noted.
Members’ Allowance Scheme 2023/24 to 2026/27 PDF 378 KB Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 6 of the Independent Remuneration Panel of 30 June 2023, the Council considered thereport of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer advising of the decision of the Independent Remuneration Panel in recommending a Members’ Allowance Scheme for the period 2023/24 to 2026/27; and seeking a decision of Council on the recommendations.
Appendix A to the report set out a table of Members’ Allowances for 2023/24, showing an increase of 6.01%.
Following a debate on the matter, the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared that the recommendations within the report were agreed by 41 votes to 5 with 8 abstentions and it was:
(1) an increase in Members’ allowances for 2023/24, be linked to the local government pay settlement;
(2) spinal column point 25 be used to calculate the increase in Members’ allowances thereby increasing such allowances by 6.01%;
(3) annual adjustments continue to be made in line with the local government pay settlement up to and including the 2026/27 municipal year;
(4) the Special Responsibility Allowances paid to Chairs of committees be continued in their current form;
(5) the calculation of the payment of Special Responsibility Allowances to Party Group Leaders be continued in their current form;
(6) as soon as practicably possible, the scheme of Members Allowances for Sefton be published on the Council’s website and in the Metro newspaper circulating in Sefton;
(7) the Constitution be amended to include the agreed Scheme of Allowances for 2023/24; and
(8) the Independent Remuneration Panel be thanked for their deliberations on this matter.
Membership of Committees 2023/24 To consider any changes to the membership of any Committees etc. Minutes: The Mayor reported that Temporary Superintendent Paul Holden would be replacing Superintendent Dawn McNally as the representative from Merseyside Police on the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
No other changes to the memberships of Committees were made.
Motion submitted by Councillor Pugh - Cancellation of HS2 PDF 4 KB Copy attached Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne:
Cancellation of HS2
Following the cancellation of northernmost sections of HS2 this council views with concern the prospects for rail investment in the north and our sub region.
An amended version of the Motion was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and unanimously
Cancellation of HS2
Following the cancellation of northernmost sections of HS2 this council views with concern the prospects for rail investment in the north and our sub region.
(a) recognises that a reallocation of resources to northern rail infrastructure is intended
(b) seeks clear and unequivocal confirmation from the government that the Burscough Curves restoration and similar schemes will be eligible for the receipt of such resource re-allocation and prioritised, and an explanation of the steps necessary to achieve it.
Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh - Capital Budget PDF 95 KB Copy attached Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Lynne Thompson:
Capital Budget
This Council has reviewed the report below on the Capital Budget and notes the recent variances and pressures within it.
• Financial Management 2023/24 to 2026/27 - Revenue and Capital Budget Update 2023/24 – Additional Estimates.
Following a debate on the Motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Mayor declared that the Motion was carried by 12 votes to 0 with 41 abstentions and it was:
Capital Budget
This Council has reviewed the report below on the Capital Budget and notes the recent variances and pressures within it.
• Financial Management 2023/24 to 2026/27 - Revenue and Capital Budget Update 2023/24 – Additional Estimates.
Motion Submitted by Councillor Brough - Southport Pier Maintenance PDF 455 KB Copy attached Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Brough, seconded by Councillor Prendergast:
Southport Pier Maintenance
The recent report undertaken and published by the Council’s nominated Consultants Thomasons included a section (page 5 of the Steelwork Inspection Report) that referred to an earlier consultative report on the condition of Southport Pier in 2017. At that time the consultants identified remedial works required to be undertaken to the structure - that were costed and estimated at £8.8 m.
Quoting from the current report.
Quote – “At this time it was decided to adopt a ‘Maintenance Painting’ solution at a cost of £1.5, while continuing to maintain and repair defects as they materialised”.
The current condition of the Pier clearly demonstrates that the ‘solution’ has failed.
Before the Council embarks upon a campaign to seek funding of more than £13m to repair and refurbish the Southport’s Pier can it be agreed by this chamber, that a realistic and budgeted provision for maintenance of the Pier is included in the Council’s ongoing budgetary provisions and forward plan.
The adoption of an approved and costed maintenance provision would demonstrate Sefton Council’s commitment to the Pier’s refurbishment and its protection. It would also give comfort and confidence to external funders who will be concerned that without a formal commitment to ongoing maintenance of the structure, it’s condition may again deteriorate to the point of closure and thereby discourage their appetite to contribute to the restoration project.
Sefton Council recognises the need for a properly costed maintenance budget for the Southport Pier - and that the provision is formerly adopted into Sefton’s ongoing budgetary provision.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Atkinson, seconded by Councillor Corcoran that the Motion be revised as follows:
Southport Pier Maintenance
The recent report undertaken and published by the independent Consultants Thomasons included a section (page 5 of the Steelwork Inspection Report) that referred to an earlier consultative report on the condition of Southport Pier in 2017. At that time the consultants identified remedial works required to be undertaken to the structure - that were costed and estimated at £8.8 m.
The current condition of the Pier clearly demonstrates that the poor workmanship carried out in 2002 left the Council with an inherently flawed structure. Government cuts to Sefton Council budget profoundly impacted on the council’s ability to invest in assets and services.
Quoting from the current report.
Quote – “At this time it was decided to adopt a ‘Maintenance Painting’ solution at a cost of £1.5, while continuing to maintain and repair defects as they materialised”.
The current condition of the Pier clearly demonstrates failures are systemic from the 2002 refurbishment.
The Council has embarked upon a campaign to seek funding of more than £13m to repair and refurbish the Southport’s Pier can it be agreed by this chamber, that a realistic and budgeted provision for maintenance of the Pier is required by Government while the Council remains committed to its annual subsidy and that the subsidy remains included in the Council’s ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |