Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday 14th November, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Southport

Contact: Debbie Campbell  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item




The Deputy Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the Council meeting.


The Deputy Chair reported that she was chairing the Council meeting as the Mayor, Councillor June Burns, did not feel able to attend, given that her husband, Paul, had recently passed away. On behalf of the Council, the Deputy Chair extended her deepest sympathies to June and her family at this very sad time.


The Deputy Chair reminded Members and visitors in the public gallery that if they wished to film or record the proceedings of the meeting, out of courtesy to those present, it would be appreciated if they would indicate that intention.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bradshaw, June Burns, Carlin, Doyle, Hardman, Hart, Sonya Kelly, Maher and Richards.



Declarations of Interest

Members are requested at a meeting where a disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest arises, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests, todeclare any interests that relate to an item on the agenda.


Where a Member discloses a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, he/she must withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest, except where he/she is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of a dispensation.


Where a Member discloses a personal interest he/she must seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or staff member representing the Monitoring Officer to determine whether the Member should withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest or whether the Member can remain in the meeting or remain in the meeting and vote on the relevant decision.



In accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations of personal interest were made and the Member concerned remained in the room during the consideration of the item:



Minute No.

Nature of Interest


Councillor Pugh


Minute No. 67 - Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - Bring Back Children's A&E Services to Southport


His daughter in law works at the Children’s Department of Ormskirk Hospital as a nurse, took part in the consideration of the item and voted thereon.




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 311 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2024




That the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 12 September 2024 be approved as a correct record.



Mayor's Communications


Mons Delegation


From 25 to 28 October, Sefton had welcomed a four-person delegation from the twinned city of Mons to further strengthen the project work planned for 2026 and 2027 involving Sefton Schools’ Music Service and to remember the Battle of Mons. The Deputy Chair reported that the delegation had enjoyed their visit to the Borough, which included a visit to a rehearsal from the Music Service, and also to Bootle Strand to look at the plans for the redevelopment, specifically the plans for Mons Square.


Charity Events


The Deputy Chair reported that tickets were on sale for the Charity Burns Night on Saturday, 25 January 2025 at Waterloo Rugby Club. The ticket cost was £25.00 which included a two course Burns Night supper. If any Members required tickets, they were requested to contact the Mayor’s office. Tickets would also soon be available for the Gala Charity Ball which would take place on Saturday, 26 April 2025 at Formby Hall.


Christmas Toy Appeal


The Deputy Chair reported that the Mayor of Sefton’s Christmas Toy Appeal would be officially launched on 20 November. The Deputy Chair considered that the appeal meant much to Sefton residents and details of drop off locations for toys would be released following the official launch.


Councillor Sir Ron Watson


The Deputy Chair recalled that the Mayor had announced at the last Council meeting that 2024 marked the 50th anniversary of Councillor Sir Ron Watson first being elected as a Sefton Councillor. The Deputy Chair invited Members to join her in congratulating Sir Ron on this achievement and reported that arrangements would be made for the Mayor to formally write to Sir Ron, to thank him for his service to the Borough.


Mayor of Sefton


The Deputy Chair reported the thanks expressed by the Mayor for the messages of sympathy and support she had received from Members, following the sad passing of her husband.



Matters Raised by the Public pdf icon PDF 367 KB

To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraph 36 to 47 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.


(Details of any further petitions notified or questions submitted by members of the public will be circulated at the meeting).


The Council considered a schedule setting out the written questions submitted by:



Mr. Jeff Holloway to the Cabinet Member – Communities and Partnership Engagement (Councillor Dowd)



Ms. Maureen Walker-Miller to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Ms. Maria Walsh to the Cabinet Member – Communities and Partnership Engagement (Councillor Dowd)



together with responses given.


Members of the public who had submitted questions were in attendance at the Council meeting. Supplementary questions to questions 2 and 3 were responded to by the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways and the Cabinet Member – Communities and Partnership Engagement.



Adjournment of Meeting


The meeting was temporarily adjourned, due to a disturbance in the public gallery.



Questions Raised by Members of the Council pdf icon PDF 359 KB

To receive and consider questions to Cabinet Members, Chairs of Committees or Spokespersons for any of the Joint Authorities upon any matter within their portfolio/area of responsibility, of which notice has been given by Members of the Council in accordance with Paragraph 49 to 51 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules, set out in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.


The Council considered a schedule setting out the written questions submitted by:



Councillor Prendergast to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Prendergast to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Atkinson)



Councillor Prendergast to the Cabinet Member – Housing & Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Morris to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Brough to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Brough to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Brough to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Sir Ron Watson to the to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Atkinson)



Councillor Sir Ron Watson to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Atkinson)



Councillor Keith to the Cabinet Member – Children, Schools and Families (Councillor Cllr Roscoe)



Councillor Pugh to the Cabinet Member – Cleansing and Street Scene (Councillor Harvey)



Councillor Pugh to the Cabinet Member – Cleansing and Street Scene (Councillor Harvey)



Councillor Pugh to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Doolin to the Cabinet Member - to the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing (Councillor Doyle)



Councillor Doolin to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Shaw to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Atkinson)



Councillor Sammon to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Lloyd-Johnson to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Lloyd-Johnson to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways (Councillor Veidman)



Councillor Evans to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills (Councillor ) Lappin)



Councillor Evans to the Cabinet Member – Corporate Services (Councillor Howard)



Councillor Brodie-Browne to the Cabinet Member – Children, Schools and Families (Councillor Roscoe)



Councillor Brodie-Browne to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Thompson to the Cabinet Member – Regeneration, Economy and Skills (Councillor Lappin)



Councillor Shaw to the Leader of the Council (Councillor Atkinson)



together with responses given. Supplementary questions to questions 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24 and 25, were responded to by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Economy and Skills and Deputy Leader; the Cabinet Member – Housing and Highways; the Leader of the Council; and the Cabinet Member for Cleansing and Street Scene.



Maritime Corridor Scheme Phase 1 - Receipt of Capital Funding pdf icon PDF 344 KB

Report of the Assistant Director - Highways and Public Protection


Further to Minute No. 52 of the meeting of the Cabinet of 3 October 2024, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Director of Highways and Public Protection indicating that schemes over £1m in value required Council approval and the necessary funding needed to be included within the Council’s Capital Programme. The first Phase of the Maritime Corridor Scheme was expected to cost approximately £12.3m. Subject to approval from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, a Grant Funding Agreement would be received for this amount.


It was moved by Councillor Veidman, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




That a supplementary capital estimate for £12.303m externally funded using the Levelling Up Fund and City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) for the delivery of Maritime Corridor Phase 1 scheme pending the receipt and sealing of a grant funding agreement from the LCRCA, be approved.



Southport Eastern Access Scheme - Receipt of Capital Funding pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Report of the Assistant Director - Highways and Public Protection


Further to Minute No. 64 of the meeting of the Cabinet of 7 November 2024, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Director -- Highways and Public Protection advising that schemes over £1m in value required approval by the Council and the necessary funding needed to be included within the Council’s Capital Programme. The Southport Eastern Access scheme was expected to cost approximately £16.3m. Subject to approval from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, a Grant Funding Agreement would be received for this amount.


It was moved by Councillor Veidman, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




That a supplementary capital estimate for £16.3m externally funded using the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement from the LCRCA for the delivery of the Southport Eastern Access scheme, pending receipt and signing of a Grant Funding Agreement from the LCRCA, be approved.



Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Receipt of Capital Funding pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Report of the Assistant Director - Highways and Public Protection


Further to Minute No. 65 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 7 November 2024, the Council considered the report of the Assistant Director  - Highways and Public Protection advising that allocations of additional funding over £1m in value required Council approval. The report sought  Council approval to add £1.067m of Local Electric Vehicle Charging (LEVI) funding to the Council’s Capital Programme. Subject to confirmation from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, a Grant Funding Agreement would be received for this amount.


It was moved by Councillor Veidman, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




That a supplementary capital estimate for £1.067m, externally funded using Local Electric Vehicle Charging (LEVI) funding from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) for the delivery of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure across the Borough, be approved.



Treasury Management Position to September 2024 pdf icon PDF 651 KB

Report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial


Further to Minute No. 70 of the meeting of the Cabinet of 7 November 2024, the Council considered the report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial that provided Members with a review of the Treasury Management activities undertaken to 30 September 2024.


It was moved by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




That the Treasury Management update to 30 September 2024, be noted, together with the review the effects of decisions taken in pursuit of the Treasury Management Strategy, and consideration of the implications of changes resulting from regulatory, economic and market factors affecting the Council’s treasury management activities.



Financial Management 2024/25 to 2027/28 – Medium Term Financial Plan 2025/26 to 2027/28 pdf icon PDF 637 KB

Report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial


Further to Minute No. 69 of the meeting of the Cabinet of 7 November 2024, the Council considered the report of the Executive Director – Corporate Services and Commercial informing of the update to the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2025/26 to 2027/28 taking account of all currently available information; and providing an update on other areas that inform financial decision making including the Council’s reserves position, its growth programme, its position on its wholly owned Council companies and the High Needs budget, as these were all interlinked with the MTFP.


It was moved by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




That the updated Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2025/26 to 2027/28 and any assumptions made be approved.



Honorary Freedom of the Borough - Sefton Council for Voluntary Service pdf icon PDF 383 KB

Report of the Executive Director – Operations and Partnerships


The Council considered the report of the Executive Director – Operations and Partnerships advising that under Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council had the power to grant the Freedom of the Borough to a person or a service unit of distinction who had rendered eminent service to the Borough and the report set out proposals for Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (Sefton CVS) to be granted the Honorary Freedom of the Borough.


It was moved by Councillor Dowd, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and




(1)      in accordance with Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, this Council wishes to place on record its high appreciation of Sefton Council for Voluntary Service as a strategic partner for the Council over the last 50 years and to recognise and celebrate all of its achievements over this time in supporting Sefton’s communities; and


(2)    the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Commercial be authorised to take all the necessary actions associated with (1) above and arrange a civic reception for Sefton CVS and to take place at the rising of an Extra-ordinary Council meeting in Bootle Town Hall on a date to be arranged.



Matters dealt with in accordance with Rule 46 of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Call-In and Urgency) of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council.


The Council considered the report of the Leader of the Council in relation to a matter that was dealt with in accordance with Rule 46 (waiving call-In) of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Council Constitution, whereby “call in” was waived.


It was moved by Councillor Grace, seconded by Councillor Howard and




That the report be noted.



Membership of Committees 2024/25

To consider any changes to the membership of any Committees etc.


The Deputy Chair reported that the Labour Group wished to make changes to the membership of the following Committees/Joint Authority:


Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health)


Councillor Carragher to fill the vacancy as the substitute member for Councillor Desmond.


Councillor Conalty to replace Councillor McKee as a Member of the Committee.


Pay and Grading Committee


Councillor Duerden to fill the vacancy on the Committee.


Planning Committee


Councillor McKee to fill the vacancy on the Committee.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority


Councillor Chris Page to fill the vacancy on the Authority.




That the changes as detailed above be approved.



Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - Bring Back Children's A&E Services to Southport pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Copy attached


It was moved by Councillor Prendergast, seconded by Councillor Morris:


Bring Back Children’s A&E Services to Southport


Since 2003, Southport has not had a dedicated Children’s A&E Service. The nearest service is based in Ormskirk which closes between the hours of midnight and 8 am.


During those hours, the nearest Children’s A&E Services are based in Liverpool, around a 45-minute journey from Southport. For a town of over 90,000 people, it is unacceptable that families have to travel so far to receive emergency care for their children.


Southport needs, and local residents and families deserve to have, a 24-hour Children’s A&E Service fully integrated with adult emergency care services in our town.


Council hereby resolves:


·       To support longstanding calls for the reinstatement of 24-hour Children’s A&E Services at Southport Hospital, removed in 2003, and for those to be fully integrated with adult emergency care provision.


·       To write to the Members of Parliament for Southport and Sefton Central to ask that they raise the issue on behalf of Southport and Sefton residents in Parliament and with the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care.


·       To write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care calling for the reinstatement of 24-hour Children’s A&E Services at Southport Hospital, integrated with adult emergency care provision, and for adequate capital funding to be made available to provide investment in Southport Hospital.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Moncur, seconded by Councillor Lunn-Bates that the Motion be revised as follows:


·       Deleting the 2nd bullet point of the resolves and inserting:


To write to the Members of Parliament for Southport and Sefton Central commending them for their ongoing support on this matter.


·       In the 3rd bullet point deleting the words “Secretary of State for Health and Social Care” and inserting “Chair of the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board”.


Following a debate on the amendment the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Deputy Chair declared that the amendment was carried unanimously.


Thereafter, the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote on the Substantive Motion and the Deputy Chair declared that the Substantive Motion was carried unanimously and it was




Bring Back Children’s A&E Services to Southport


Since 2003 Southport has not had a dedicated Children’s A&E Service. The nearest service is based in Ormskirk which closes between the hours of midnight and 8 am.


During those hours, the nearest Children’s A&E Services are based in Liverpool, around a 45-minute journey from Southport. For a town of over 90,000 people, it is unacceptable that families have to travel so far to receive emergency care for their children.


Southport needs, and local residents and families deserve to have, a 24-hour Children’s A&E Service fully integrated with adult emergency care services in our town.


Council hereby resolves:


·       To support longstanding calls for the reinstatement of 24-hour Children’s A&E Services at Southport Hospital, removed in 2003, and for those to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - Supporting Southport Town Centre Businesses pdf icon PDF 353 KB

Copy attached


It was moved by Councillor Prendergast, seconded by Councillor Morris:


Supporting Southport Town Centre Businesses


As a town, Southport is one of the economic engines of Sefton with a vibrant tourism and hospitality sector attracting around 9 million visitors per year, generating £550 million to the local economy. Nearly 7,000 jobs depend on this sector alone.


Southport also has a well-developed retail and service sector with many local people working in these sectors in and around Southport Town centre.


However, many Southport town centre businesses, across all sectors, are struggling, with many reporting drops in footfall of between 70-75% over the last few months.


One of the factors, which can be addressed by this Council, impacting local businesses is town centre car parking. This Council recognises the impact that parking charges, and previous increases in those charges, has had on local businesses and resolves to explore a range of options to address this issue.


Council hereby resolves:


·       To prepare a feasibility report in order investigate the potential benefits of introducing a free parking scheme in Southport town centre and for this report to be considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services). This could, for example, include free parking during off peak times (October – March) for a set number of hours (for example 2/3 hours free).


·       To engage with town centre businesses on the issue of town centre parking and the impact it has on them when competing with online retailers, retail parks and other nearby towns that offer free parking for set periods or at certain times of year.


·       To recognise that successive increases in parking charges in Southport Town Centre have impacted town centre businesses.


·       To work with local businesses to address parking and other issues with a coherent strategy for Southport Town Centre and our local economy.


Following a debate on the motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Deputy Chair declared that the motion was lost by 13 votes to 41 with 2 abstentions.



Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh - School Academies pdf icon PDF 179 KB

Copy attached


It was moved by Councillor Pugh, seconded by Councillor Evans:


School Academies


This Council


(1) Notes the sharp increase in local schools seeking and gaining academy status and the detrimental impact on the council’s budget and ability to provide statutory services and special needs provision


(2) Believes that the current direction of travel both locally and nationally leads to a less accountable and less manageable and more wasteful education system


And therefore, request the Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson informing her of the difficulties experienced by this and other councils to review current legislation in order to achieve greater efficiency and better transparency and accountability, and ensure that money intendedly by the taxpayer to support children’s education is wisely spent.


Following a debate on the motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Deputy Chair declared that the motion was lost by 11 votes to 44.



Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh - Emergency Care Services pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Copy attached


The Notice of Motion was withdrawn.



Motion Submitted by Councillor Prendergast - Supporting Sefton's Pensioners pdf icon PDF 356 KB

Copy attached


It was moved by Councillor Prendergast, seconded by Councillor Sir Ron Watson:


Supporting Sefton’s Pensioners


As a result of the Labour Government’s decision to penalise pensioners with an income as little as £13,000 per year by removing the Winter Fuel Allowance from around 10 million pensioners nationally, Sefton Council is determined to mitigate in any way possible the harmful effects of this policy on the elderly.


The need for pensioners to keep warm in the winter months should be a clear health priority for our society and around 56,000 pensioners in Sefton are going to suffer great hardship due to the arbitrary withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance.


The effect of the measure on the country’s finances amounts to no more than 0.0183% of the total national budget and will have no discernible impact on the overall financial position of the country.


There is overwhelming evidence that one of the key elements to keeping warm and healthy in winter is protective clothing. This is an issue this council can help with.


Council hereby resolves:


·        To introduce a scheme in conjunction with private sector retailers to provide those pensioners affected with a lined hoodie type top to help them deal with the adverse impact of the Labour Government’s policy.


·        To work with major retailers who will be invited to quote for the provision of such garments and identify a means of distribution based on identity with an appropriate method of recording the transaction to avoid abuse of the scheme. Preliminary estimates of cost indicate that they will be in the region of £150000 to £200000 and can be met by using some of the £30 million held currently in unused balances.


·        To ensure that those who need support the most Sefton council confirms that the scheme will not apply to the small number of pensioners whose overall income results in them paying the higher rate of Income Tax.


·        To make it clear that Sefton council has the best interests of all pensioners at heart, particularly health as a critical element of council policy.


Following a debate on the motion the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer officiated a vote and the Deputy Chair declared that the motion was lost by 4 votes to 50.



Motion Submitted by Councillor Howard - Sefton Council Commends Historic Budget October 2024 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Copy attached


It was moved by Councillor Howard, seconded by Councillor Lappin:


Sefton Council Commends Historic Budget October 2024


Sefton Council commends the historic budget delivered by the Labour Government on 30th October 2024.


For the first time in many years, we welcome a new co-operative and collaborative way of working with Local Government. Over the last 14 years Local Government has felt the full force of austerity which as in turn seriously impacted on all Sefton residents, we look forward to the next five years with confidence and a government which will unleash the power and innovation of local government which in turn will enable our local residents to enjoy improved living conditions. This budget will:


·       Improve the health of Sefton residents by allocating an extra £25.7bn to the NHS over this year and the next, representing the biggest increase in NHS spending since 2010, excluding COVID-19 years.

·       Tackle in-work poverty for Sefton residents by increasing the minimum wage for millions of workers, representing a £1,400 increase for an eligible full-time worker.

·       Breaks down barriers to opportunity for Sefton children through a £1.8bn expansion in funding to childcare, a £1bn uplift to SEND funding and a £30m funding commitment to set up breakfast clubs.

·       Will enable the re-building of crumbling Sefton schools through the provision of £1.4bn, targeting 50 rebuilds a year nationally.

·       Will increase the number of affordable homes in Sefton through provision of an extra £500m to the Affordable Homes Programme.

·       Protects Sefton pensioners in their retirement by increasing the state pension by 4.1%, increasing the full basic state pension by £360 annually.

·       Protects a vital green space in Sefton by cancelling of the Port of Liverpool Access Road through Rimrose Valley.

·       Finally, helps to set Sefton Council back on the road to financial sustainability through the provision of £1.3bn of new grant funding for local authority services, including £600m in new grant funding for social care.


This council welcomes this investment in Sefton and resolves to work closely with the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government to achieve the best possible outcomes for Sefton residents.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Halsall, seconded by Councillor Doolin that the Motion be revised as follows:


Sefton Council Commends Historic Budget October 2024


Sefton Council welcomes the budget delivered by the Labour Government on 30th October 2024.


For the first time in many years, we welcome a new co-operative and collaborative way of working with Local Government. Over the last 14 years Local Government has felt the full force of austerity which as in turn seriously impacted on all Sefton residents, we look forward to the next five years with confidence and a government which will hopefully unleash the power and innovation of local government which in turn will enable our local residents to enjoy improved living conditions. 


This budget could:

  • Improve the health of Sefton residents by allocating an extra £25.7bn to the NHS over this year and the next, representing the biggest increase in NHS spending since  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.