Agenda and minutes

Southport Area Committee - Wednesday 27th March, 2013 6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Southport

Contact: Paul Fraser 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair




That in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, Councillor Hands be appointed Chair for this meeting of the Committee



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from the Chair, Councillor Booth, Councillor Brodie-Browne, the Vice-Chair, Councillor M. Fearn and Councillors Sumner and Welsh.



Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.



No declarations of pecuniary interests were made.





Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2013


The Committee considered the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2013.


Further to Minute No. 90 (d) and following a request from a Ward Member, Mr. D. Marrin, Service Manager - Traffic and Transportation indicated that he would provide feedback to the Ward Member regarding the Virginia Street footbridge.


Further to Minute No. 83 relating to the establishment of an informal Working Group, Members reconsidered the elected Member representation on the Working Group.




(1)      the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2013 be confirmed as a           correct record;


(2)      approval be given for the elected Member representation on the  informal Working Group to be increased from 6 to 7 with a political proportionality of 4 Liberal Democrats, 2 Conservatives and 1 Independent Conservative; and


(3)      nominations to serve on the informal Working Group be submitted to Councillor Booth, Chair of the Area Committee.






Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning


Update on Area Committee budget resources available


Further to Minute No. 91 of 23 January 2013, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning indicating that the balance of the budget available for allocation during 2012/13, including sums set aside for the provision of litterbins and street signs, was as follows:-



          Available Funds






















Details of the allocations made by each Ward against the general provision in the previous year were set out in the report.




(1)      the remaining balance of £119,341.52 of the budget available for further allocation for the rest of the year be noted;


(2)      allocations from the 2011/12 Ward budgets agreed to date and the ongoing issues from 2010/11 as indicated in paragraph 2.1 of the report, be noted; and


(3)      the Head of Commissioning and Neighbourhood Co-ordination be requested to report to the next meeting, using three examples, on the differences charged for the erection of street nameplates  




Review of Area Committees pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning



The Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning seeking views on the number of Area Committees and the frequency of meetings.


The report indicated that the Cabinet had asked for consultation on a budget option to reduce the number of Area Committees from the 7 currently in place to 3; and on the reduction of the frequency of meetings of Area Committees from the current cycle of meetings to 4 meetings per year. The Council’s Calendar of Meetings for the forthcoming Municipal Year was approved by the Council each year and included the schedule for Area Committee meetings.


Accordingly, the Area Committee was requested to submit a view for consideration by Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 28 March 2013 on the Area Committees geographical area and on the proposal to reduce the frequency of its meetings from the current 6 to 4 times per year.




That the Cabinet be advised that Southport Area Committee considers that its geographical area and its current frequency of meetings (6 per year) should be retained.







Troubled Families Programme pdf icon PDF 60 KB

At its meeting held on 20 November 2012 the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) considered a report of the Director of Young People and Families on the Troubled Families Programme. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolved that the report be referred to all Area Committees for information. In accordance with the decision of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee a copy of the report and associated Minute is attached.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 22 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) held on 20 November 2013, the Committee considered the report of the Director of Young People and Families in relation to the Troubled Families Programme (the Programme). The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had referred the report to all of the Council’s Area Commitees for information.


The report indicated that in December 2011, Government announced a three-year Programme to radically transform the lives of the country's most troubled families; that almost £450 million had been made available in a cross-government drive to turn around the lives of 120,000 of some of the country's most troubled families by the end of this Parliament; that Sefton Council was provided with an indicative figure of 650 troubled families in the Borough; that the figure represented the number of families that local services would be required to work with and turn around; and that  220 families in Sefton would be identified in Year 1 of the Programme.


The report also outlined how troubled families were defined; the recent progress made within Sefton with its partners; and the nationally determined criteria being used, namely:-


  • Crime and/or Antisocial Behaviour;
  • Education and truancy or exclusion from school;
  • Unemployment; and
  • Local Discretion which had been agreed as domestic violence and alcohol misuse.




That the report and early progress on the Troubled Families Programme be noted.




Southport Christmas Promotion pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Report of the Head of Economic Development and Tourism


Further to Minute No. 95(1) of 23 January 2013 the Committee considered the report of the Head of Economic Development and Tourism on the costs associated with improving the promotion of Southport in the run up to and during the 2013 Christmas period.


The report indicated that Sefton’s Tourism Department had worked with Southport retailers for over ten years to create marketing campaigns designed to support the crucial Christmas trading period; that the partnership was initially between Southport Business Enterprise (SBE), Sefton’s Tourism Marketing Team and the Southport Tourism Business Network (STBN), with the SBE and STBN providing the private sector lead; and that following recent changes to town centre management the ‘Talking Shop’ retail group, supported by Southport based Concept PR, had replaced the SBE on the Christmas working group.


The report also updated on the budget and marketing activity undertaken by the 2012 Working Group; that the working group would commence planning for the Christmas 2013 campaign in late summer; that It was anticipated that the group would consist of broadly the same membersas 2012 possibly with the addition of some new retailers; that the activity budget was likely to remain in the region of £12,000; and that efforts would however be made to increase the retailer product contributions to enable more activity to be undertaken.


The report concluded that if the proposal for a Business Improvement District (BID) company in Southport was successful, this would potentially be a source of additional support for the retail sector. However this was not scheduled to be operational until April 2014 and would therefore not be in a position to support the Christmas trading period until 2014.




(1)      the report on the Southport Christmas Promotion be noted;


(2)      the Head of Economic Development and Tourism be requested to submit a report to the next meeting of the Committee updating on the Southport Christmas Promotion and including financial contributions/provision of the private sector; and


(3)      it be placed on record that the Area Committee fully supports Southport Traders/businesses.




Mornington Road Area - Proposed 20 mph zone - Objection pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


Further to Minute No. 93 of 23 January 2013, The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment advising of the receipt of an objection to the proposed 20 mph speed limit in the Mornington Road area of Southport.


The report indicated that a resident of Cleveleys Road, Southport had sent a very comprehensive email to Traffic Services raising a number of objections to the proposed 20mph speed limits in Southport (a copy of the objection was attached to the report as Annex A); detailed the views of the Director of Built Environment in response to the objections raised; and concluded that due to the overall support for the proposed 20 mph speed restricted area from residents and businesses of the Mornington Road Area,  it was recommended that Members approve the scheme and overrule the objection.




(1)       the objection to the proposed 20mph speed limits for the Mornington Road area, Southport be noted;


(2)      the proposed introduction of the 20mph speed limits for the Mornington Road area, Southport, as identified in the reports to the Area Committee  of 21 November 2012 and 23 January 2013, be implemented as advertised and the person raising the objection be notified of the decision of this Committee accordingly;


(3)     a Traffic Regulation Order introducing a 20 mph speed limit on Hoghton Grove, Hoghton Place and Post Office   Avenue be approved; and


(4)    the Service Manager – Traffic and Transportation be authorised to undertake the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Orders.




Hastings Road, Birkdale - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on a proposed Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which would restrict waiting at all timeson the bend in the vicinity of the steps leading to Hillside Station, Hastings Road, Birkdale.


It was proposed to introduce an individual Order for the road incorporating all the existing restrictions.




(1)      the Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which will restrict waiting at        all timeson the bend in the vicinity of the steps leading to Hillside         Station, Hastings Road, Birkdale  and as detailed in the report be      approved; and 


(2)      the Service Manager – Traffic and Transportation be authorised to undertake the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order.




Matlock Road and Bury Road, Southport - Proposed Waiting Restrictions, One-Way System and Traffic Calming pdf icon PDF 405 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on  proposed Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which would introduce waiting restrictions, a one-way system and speed cushions on Matlock Road and Bury Road, Southport.


The Orders were required to address Conditions attached to the granting of a Planning Application relating to Birkdale Primary School and the additional waiting restrictions suggested by representatives from the school.


It was proposed to introduce individual Orders for the roads incorporating all the existing restrictions.




(1)            the revocation of all existing Traffic Regulation Orders, as described in paragraph 2.2 of the report be approved;


(2)            the introduction of the One-way system, as shown in Annex A of the report be approved;


(3)            the introduction of the speed cushions, as shown in Annex B of the report be approved;


(4)            the introduction of the waiting restrictions, loading bay and Disabled Parking Place, as shown in Annex C of the report be approved; and


(5)            the Service Manager – Traffic and Transportation be authorised to undertake the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Orders.





Police Issues

Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector


Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting


Inspector Gary Fairbrother updated the Area Committee on policing issues and in particular referred to:


·            Crime statistics in the town; policing patrols in the town centre; and shoplifting and burglary offences; 

·            With regard to fraud offences, the newly established National Fraud Office had now taken over recording all offences and therefore local Police Forces would no longer provide statistics on such offences.


Members of the Committee/Local Advisory Group/public raised the following issues:


·            Prior to the meeting, Mrs. M. Brown, who was not present at the meeting,  had submitted a written question to the Southport Neighbourhood Police Team complaining about the proposed reduction in salaries of PCSO’s and the reduction in the hours that they were to be deployed in Southport; and suggested that this would lead to an increase in anti-social behavior in the area. Mrs. Brown concluded by asking how the Police would cover the patrol work currently undertaken by the PCSO’s. 

The Police and Crime Commissioner had responded in writing to Mrs. Brown.

·            Prior to the meeting, Mrs. M. Walton, who was present at the meeting,  complained about youths skateboarding/cycling in Cambridge Arcade and in the Princess Diana Gardens; and asked whether the police would enforce the local by-laws to stop such anti-social activity that was causing disruption to local businesses and shoppers and causing damage to pavements and street furniture.  Inspector G. Fairbrother had responded in writing to Mrs. Walton. Mrs. Walton asked, as a supplementary question, what was Sefton Council prepared to do to protect the investment of traders in the Cambridge Arcade area. Members thanked the Cambridge Arcade traders for their perseverance during the Atkinson redevelopment; and detailed an initiative to provide alternative skateboarding facilities. 

·            A local resident asked about the enforcement of 20 mph zones. Inspector Fairbrother referred to the initiative to obtain funding from the Area Committee’s devolved budget for a Community Speed Watch Campaign.

·            A Member asked would policing activity be increased in Southport during the summer months. Inspector Fairbrother indicated that apart from one week in June when officers would be deployed to police the G8 conference in Belfast, policing would be at full strength during the summer months.

·            A Member referred to his recent attendance as a witness at a lengthy fraud trial at Liverpool Crown Court; and that the defendant was found guilty of 12 offences but was given a very short sentence. The member praised the excellent police work in the case but complained about the huge cost of the court proceedings for such a leniant outcome. Inspector Fairbrother advised that the sentencing regime was set by the Lord Chancellor.

·            A Member referred to recent shootings elsewhere in Sefton and asked whether Southport police resources had been deployed as part of the policing operations of the incidents. Inspector Fairbrother indicated that no Southport ploce officers had been deployed.




(1)      Inspector Fairbrother be thanked for his presentation; and


(2)      a contribution be made from the devolved Ward/Town wide budgets to fund the Merseyside Police Community Speed Watch  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108.


Public Forum

A period of up to one hour (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.


Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to Sefton Council.  The person asking the question will be allowed one supplementary question and, provided the questioner is present or represented, any interested members of the public will be permitted to ask supplementary questions, provided the total time on each issue does not exceed five minutes.


A Question Form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Committee Administrator as soon as possible and by no later than 12.00 noon on the day before the meeting.  For the avoidance of doubt, this deadline applies to written, faxed or on-line submissions

Question forms can be obtained from the Committee Administrator prior to the meeting.


(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).


If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing


During the Public Forum the following questions/comments/petitions were submitted:-


(a)      Mr. G. Wright, who was present at the meeting, asked how many Southport residents would be affected by the Coalition Government’s introduction of the “Bedroom Tax”


          The Head of Business Intelligence and Performance Management had responded in writing to Mr. Wright.


(b)      Mrs. D. Lee, Chairman of Southport in Bloom, who was not present at the meeting, requested the Area Committee to utilise part of its devolved budget to improve roundabouts/traffic islands in Southport by the planting of floral displays/landscaping.


          Members indicated that they were currently working on a scheme and that it was hoped that by the planting season, plans would be in place for sponsorship/planting of Southport roundabouts.


(c)     Ms M. Horridge, who was present at the meeting, asked that in the light of the recent budget meeting to vote on the closure of Southport's branch libraries, would the Southport Councillors support the Alternative Plan put forward by the Ainsdale Birkdale Churchtown Library Group.


         Members agreed that they would support the Alternative Plan put forward by the Ainsdale Birkdale Churchtown Library Group.







Viking Close/Eastbourne Road, Southport - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on  proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO), the effect of which would revoke the existing TRO on Eastbourne Road and introduce a TRO to restrict waiting at all times at the junction of Viking Close/Eastbourne Road, Southport.


It was proposed to introduce individual Orders for the roads incorporating all the existing restrictions.




That consideration of this matter be deferred to enable further discussions to be undertaken with Ward Councillors.





Links Avenue, Southport - Proposed Disabled Persons' Parking Places pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment seeking authorisation for the provision of dedicated disabled parking bays at the following locations:-


Links Avenue - North-west Side


from a point 26 metres south west of the south west projected kerbline of Bellis Avenue to a point 32 metres south west of the south west projected kerbline of Bellis Avenue


Links Avenue - North-west Side


from a point 32 metres south west of the south west projected kerbline of Bellis Avenue to a point 38 metres south west of the south west projected kerbline of Bellis Avenue


All new Traffic Regulation Orders for Disabled Parking Permits allowed for the provision of a numbered permit which restricted the use of the bay to the applicant only.


It was proposed to introduce an individual Order for the road incorporating all the existing restrictions.




(1)      the Traffic Regulation Orders providing numbered permits, as set out in the plan at Annex A and detailed in the report, be approved; and


(2)      the Service Manager – Traffic and Transportation be authorised to undertake the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order.




Monitoring of Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment setting out details of the current Traffic Regulation Orders in the Southport area which had been approved for implementation.




That the report on the monitoring of Traffic Regulation Orders be noted.




Consolidation of Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on the progression of simplified Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) at various locations in Southport. In most cases the new TROs would simply reflect the waiting restrictions which were currently in place.  Annex A to the report detailed those roads where new TROs would be progresssed, the effect of which would be no change to the existing restrictions currently in place; whilst Annex B detailed the list of roads where new TRO’s would be progressed, the effect of which would result in changes to the existing restrictions currently on site.    





the Traffic Regulation Orders relating relating to Bank Passage, Brook Street, Eastbank Street, Eastbank Street Square, Eastbourne Road, Falkland Road, Palace Road, Regent Road, St. George’s Place, Walnut Street and Wright Street as detailed in the report, be progressed; and



the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council's intention to implement the Orders, be approved.




Future Agenda Items




(1)      further to Minute No. 103 (5) of the meeting held on 28 March 2012, the Director of Built Environment be requested to submit a report to the Area Committee on the costs to upgrade Princess Diana/Town Hall Gardens, Southport; and that such report provide details of the costings to upgrade the area and the health and safety implications of the damaged flagstones; and


(2)      further to Minute No. 95 (2) of 23 January 2013 the Director of Built Environment be requested to submit a report to the next meeting of the Committee on the structural defects at Cambridge Arcade and  the replacement of the Arcade’s canopies.





Date of Next Meeting

The Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 28 March 2013 will recommend to Council (at its meeting to be held) on 18 April the adoption of a programme of meetings for the 2013/14 Municipal Year. This programme will include dates/times for meetings of the Area Committee. At the time of the publication of the agenda therefore, it is not possible to identify the date/time of the next meeting. The meeting will however be held at the Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport.


The Democratic Services Officer advised that Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 28 March 2013 would recommend to Council (at its meeting to be held) on 18 April the adoption of a programme of meetings for the 2013/14 Municipal Year; that this programme would include dates/times for meetings of the Area Committee; that at the time of the publication of the agenda therefore, it was not possible to identify the date/time of the next meeting; but that the meeting would however be held at the Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport.




That the Democratic Services Officer be requested to notify all Members/Local Advisory Group Members of the programme of meetings for the Area Committee for 2013/14 once approved by Council.