Venue: Town Hall, Southport
Contact: Debbie Campbell
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Howe and his Substitute, Councillor Mainey and Ian Ross, Sefton LINk. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct. Minutes: The following declaration of interest was received:-
Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2010. Minutes: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2010, be confirmed as a correct record. |
Matters Arising from the Minutes Minutes: Further to Minute No. 92 of 2 March 2010, the Chair advised the Committee that legal advice was currently being sought with regard to the decision by NHS Sefton to withdraw funding of the homeopathic service, and that a report on the matter was expected at the next meeting of this Committee.
That the matter be noted and considered further at the next meeting. |
Review of Changes to Phlebotomy Clinics within Litherland Town Hall Health Centre PDF 125 KB Minutes: Further to Minute No. 93 (3) of 2 March 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Interim Chief Executive, NHS Sefton, reviewing the changes that had taken place to the phlebotomy clinics within the Litherland Town Hall Centre, within the last few months. Prior to August 2009, the service had operated as an “open access” service, in that it was not appointment based, which had worked well for a time, but as demand increased during 2009, particularly during the summer months, this had caused a number of issues that were outlined within the report.
In order to address these issues, the capacity and demand for phlebotomy services at the site, and elsewhere in the south of the Borough, had been assessed and an appointment system introduced which created a waiting time for the service. In addition, the introduction of additional services in the area, requiring patients to receive blood tests as part of a programme, created additional pressures on the service, and a small number of complaints had been received in recent months.
A review of the service, particularly in the south of the Borough, remained on-going.
Members raised a number of concerns associated with the service and on-going delays in accessing it.
That NHS Sefton be requested to provide further details on the phlebotomy service throughout the Borough, together with the outcome of the on-going review of the service. |
Summary of Attendance at Walk-In Centres PDF 39 KB Minutes: Further to Minute No. 93 (3) of 2 March 2010, the Committee considered a summary of attendance at walk-in centres, produced by the Interim Chief Executive, NHS Sefton.
The summary compared the number of Sefton residents who attended the walk-in centre in Liverpool, with the number of Liverpool residents who attended the walk-in centre in Sefton, for the period April 2009 to February 2010.
Members raised queries concerning the charging arrangements for residents attending out of Borough centres.
That the summary be received. |
NHS Sefton Update Report - April 2010 PDF 138 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Interim Chief Executive, NHS Sefton, on current issues impacting on healthcare provision within Sefton. Information was provided on the following:-
A. Interim Chief Executive Announced
Anita Marsland would be acting as Interim Chief Executive for NHS Sefton until a permanent successor to Leigh Griffin could be secured. Anita held similar positions within Knowsely and would continue in those roles whilst carrying out the interim position at Sefton. Dr Janet Atherton, Sefton’s Director of Public Health, would be working closely with Anita as her deputy during this period.
The Chair looked forward to working with her, via this Committee.
B. Quality Awards for Community Health Services Staff
The achievements of frontline healthcare staff had been celebrated at the recent first annual Community Health Services (CHS) Quality Awards.
CHS staff had been invited to make nominations in seven categories, reflecting the core themes in Lord Darzi’s report on the future of the NHS, and those short-listed were chosen to display their work at the ceremony. Chief Operating Officer’s Awards were also presented at the event. The report outlined the winners in each category.
The Chair offered congratulations for the recognition received by the winners for their contribution towards community health services.
C. Child Measurement Programme
As part of the National Child Measurement Programme, NHS Sefton was aiming to weigh and measure more of the Borough’s children than ever before. The programme would ensure that NHS Sefton had a good understanding of how children were growing across the Borough compared to the rest of the country. More than 5,500 Sefton children had taken part in 2009. During 2010 NHS Sefton wanted to improve on the 95% success rate and was currently informing parents and carers of the new programme. Throughout the programme, NHS Sefton was able to gain information to look at national trends in underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The information gathered would contribute towards better local planning and service delivery. The programme was also an effective way to engage with children and their families about healthy lifestyles, as fully- trained NHS Sefton school nurses implemented it.
D. New Service for Healthy Sefton
From April 2010 the list of services available through Healthy Sefton would be increased by the introduction of Chlamydia screening services across the Borough. NHS Sefton had been looking at a number of different ways to encourage more young people to be screened for Chlamydia. Other lifestyle services offered via Healthy Sefton included smoking cessation, social prescribing and community weight management programmes.
The Chair requested a break-down of the service in terms of take-up throughout the Borough.
E. Improving Dental Health
NHS Sefton had been ranked 16th out of 152 primary care trusts for access to dental services and 4th out of the 24 PCTs in the North West. A campaign was being developed to increase the number of people accessing dental health services, particularly targeting children and young people in the south of the Borough. The ... view the full minutes text for item 104. |
Dementia Working Group - Final Report PDF 112 KB Report of the Assistant Chief Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive, formally presenting the final report of the Dementia Working Group.
The Working Group had made a number of recommendations that required approval by both this Committee and the Cabinet.
Members of the Working Group outlined the findings of the review.
(1) the thanks of the Committee be extended to the Working Group Members, namely Councillors McGuire, Pearson and the Lead Member, Councillor Webster, and also to the Acting Head of Overview and Scrutiny, for their input into the review;
(2) subject to the Cabinet approving the recommendations in (3) below, an update report back to this Committee, on the implementation of the recommendations within the review, be requested in six months time;
(3) the following recommendations be supported and commended to the Cabinet for approval:-
A. That care home providers be advised by the Social Care and Well Being Directorate that it is considered to be essential for all care staff in care homes, particularly EMI homes, and domiciliary care staff, to receive training and attend training courses in relation to all aspects of dementia;
B. that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to consider and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) on the possibility of the implementation of a voluntary local kite mark or certificate, stating that the staff at care homes have undertaken training in all aspects of dementia care;
C. that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to consider and report back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) on the possibility of delivering training to care staff within some of the larger care homes and that all care homes be advised of relevant training courses and invited to attend;
D. that the intention for officers of the Social Care and Well Being Directorate to visit 2 star homes within the Borough be welcomed and the Director be requested to report to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health & Social Care) on the possibility of extending this to provide for officers to undertake visits to all care homes that are likely to have residents who have dementia;
E. that the Social Care and Well Being Directorate be requested to prepare information on dementia and its early detection, to appear within the Directorate’s web pages on the Council’s website, providing links to the local Alzheimer’s Society and other useful organisations;
F. that information on raising awareness of dementia, for all members of the public, be prepared by the Social Care and Well Being Directorate and circulated by the Head of Corporate Finance and Information Services with the Council Tax demands for 2011/12, the wording to be approved by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care), prior to its circulation;
G. that the Cabinet be requested to acknowledge that dementia, and care for people with it, particularly for those people living alone without support networks, will increase in the future and place ... view the full minutes text for item 105. |
Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan - 1 April to 31 July 2010 PDF 87 KB Report of the Assistant Chief Executive. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive indicating that there were no Key Decisions within the latest Forward Plan that fell under this Committee’s remit.
The Dementia Working Group had completed its final report, the findings and recommendations being outlined in Minute No. 105 above.
The cross-cutting Working Group, comprised of the four Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs, had met most recently on 16 March 2010, to continue its work scrutinising health inequalities within the Borough. Members had received background information on the Marmot Review, approved the scoping document, considered a draft communications plan and determined the use of the expert advisers’ time. The next meeting was scheduled to be held on 17 May 2010.
Arrangements were being made for an Overview & Scrutiny Away Day event, all Members of the Council to be invited.The purpose of the event would be to consider how the Scrutiny function might operate in the future in order to best meet its objectives. Research was currently being undertaken on a number of different models and guest speakers from the Centre for Public Scrutiny had been invited to the event. Members of the Committee were urged to attend the event.
The Chair referred to the fact that this was the last meeting of this Committee for this Municipal Year.
(1) the fact that there are no Key Decisions which fall under the remit of Health and Social Care within the latest Forward Plan, be noted;
(2) the progress and actions of the Dementia Working Group taken to date be approved;
(3) the progress and actions of the cross-cutting Working Group, to scrutinise health inequalities within the Borough, be supported;
(4) arrangements for an Overview & Scrutiny Away Day event be noted and the event be supported;
(5) Members and Officers be thanked for their input into the work of this Committee during 2009/10. |