Venue: Committee Room - Bootle Town Hall, Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 7AE. View directions
Contact: Laura Bootland Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Parker; Cheryl Swainbank (Parent Governor Representative), Gemma Armer (Parent Governor Representative) and Maurice Byrne (Healthwatch). |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested at a meeting where a disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest arises, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests, todeclare any interests that relate to an item on the agenda.
Where a Member discloses a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, he/she must withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest, except where he/she is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of a dispensation.
Where a Member discloses a personal interest he/she must seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or staff member representing the Monitoring Officer to determine whether the Member should withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest or whether the Member can remain in the meeting or remain in the meeting and vote on the relevant decision.
Minutes: No declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests were received.
Public Question Time PDF 218 KB Minutes: The Committee considered a number of questions raised by a member of the public, together with the responses given.
A member of the public who had submitted questions attended the meeting and supplementary questions were responded to by officers present.
That the questions and responses, be noted.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 243 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024, be confirmed as a correct record.
Cabinet Member Update Reports PDF 355 KB Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer submitting the most recent update reports from the Cabinet Member – Children, Schools and Families whose portfolio fell within the remit of the Committee.
The Cabinet Member update report – Education, was attached to the report at Appendix A, outlined information on the following:
· Southport Recovery · School Attendance · School Improvement · 14-19 Engagement in Education, Employment and Training for vulnerable young people · The Delivering Better Value Programme/Inclusion · Post 16 Education, Employment and Training for Young People with SEND · EHCP’s · Home to School Travel
The Cabinet Member update report – Children’s Social Care, was attached to the report at Appendix B, outlined information on the following:
Councillor Roscoe attended the meeting to present her reports and to respond to any questions or issues raised by Members of the Committee.
Members of the Committee raised the following questions/issues: · The support received from the Government after the Southport incident. · Details of the overspend in Children’s Services as reported recently to the Council’s Cabinet · The expected future Ofsted inspection · Workforce stability · Foster Care resources · The re-opening of Cherry Grove as a therapeutic home · Work around Emotional Based School Avoidance.
(1) the update reports from the Cabinet Member – Children, Schools and Families be noted
(2) A glossary would be useful to the Committee when considering reports
(3) For future Cabinet Member Reports in the new format, appendices should be attached containing more information.
Children's Services Improvement Programme To recive a verbal update from the Executive Director of Childrens Social Care and Education. Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Executive Director of Children’s Services on progress made on the Improvement Programme.
Information was provided on the following:
Members of the Committee raised the following questions/issues:
(1) the update be noted.
Quality Assurance and Practice Improvement PDF 579 KB Report of the Assistant Director, Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Children’s Services (Quality Assurance and Safeguarding) that set out the quality assurance and performance headlines for the period
The performance Scorecard was circulated with the report and provided data and analysis of the Key Performance Indicators identified as illustrative of ‘system health’.
Members of the Committee raised the following questions/issues:
That the update on Quality Assurance and Practice Improvements be noted.
Children, Schools and Families - SEND Data PDF 271 KB Report of the Assistant Director of Children’s Services (Education Excellence). Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of Children’s Services (Education) that set out data on performance in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The report also set out information on the preparation for an impending joint area SEND inspection and confirmed the governance arrangements of the SEND Improvement Board, which oversees SEND peformance in Sefton.
Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following matters: · Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Training · The increase in numbers of Early Years age children requiring support and the reasons for this · The level of resources available to manage the increase in children requiring support · The actions for October/November and how many were on track · Compliance with the 20 week timeframe for EHCP Assessments.
(1) The update on SEND be noted
Children’s Services Complaints and Compliments Annual Report 2023/24 Report of the Executive Director of Childrens Social Care and Education. Minutes: It was reported that this item would be deferred until the next meeting on 28th January 2025. |
Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan PDF 426 KB Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer that sought to:
(1) the Work Programme for 2024/25, as set out at Appendix A to the report, be noted, along with any additional items to be included and agreed;
(2) The item for pre-scrutiny from the Key Decision Forward Plan that falls under the remit of the Committee, on this occasion, be noted;
(3) note the topics of Child Poverty, ADHD/ASD services and Health Inequalities in Care Experienced Children for in-depth review;
(4) the informal meetings of Committee Members and site visits to be undertaken during 2023/24, as set out at Appendix B be noted;
(5) the update on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.