Venue: Remote - MS TEAMS
Contact: Clare Wright
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from: · Dwayne Johnson · Michelle Brabner · Iain Raikes
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.
Governance (Terms of Reference and Future Board Role) PDF 259 KB Minutes:
RF has reviewed the original terms of reference and confirmed that the original remit was to prepare the Town Investment Plan (TIP). Moving forward the responsibility for delivery and accountability lies with Sefton Council. The Terms of Reference therefore need to be updated to reflect the Boards input throughout the forthcoming implementation stages.
RF has also looked at what other Towns have put in place and found mixed approaches. RF reaffirmed that board is not a legal entity nor acts as the accountable body for funding.
SW confirmed that a copy of the proposed updated Terms of Reference was circulated prior to the meeting. This document incorporates the feedback from members during and after the last meeting. SW confirmed that there have been no expressions to step down other than members who left previously, and not looking to expand the existing membership. SW also confirmed the board need to formalise the chair and vice chair roles as part of this process.
Discussion took place about the proposed role of the board.
RF reiterated that the role of the board does need to change. With other Towns choosing to disband, rationalise into smaller working groups or continuing as they were, he feels that members input has been invaluable to the implementation of the projects so far and does not see a reason for this to change. Existing arrangements have worked well, and the updated Terms of reference can reflect this.
MB endorsed this approach and confirmed that it mirrors other partner arrangements within the borough and region e.g., LEPs and Combined Authority authorised as the decision-making body. They see Sefton Council having a genuine interest in engaging local businesses The board has been seen as a positive independent suite of voices influencing policy and implementation.
SB confirmed that other LCR areas are undertaking Governance reviews and adopting similar approaches.
PH also supported the proposal but queried the long term and wider objectives for the board. PH also queried the mechanism for new membership as this may be a requirement later and therefore needs remain in place.
SW clarified that we do not envisage membership to grow at this time, but if key skills are required or vacancies arise in key partner organisations, the positions would be filled. Process is as per the terms of reference.
PH queried the role of the board in the context of the master plan. He queried whether the remit of the board would extend outside of the town deal projects and if they would be involved in future phases or projects. Externally, this would cause confusion as to what the board are responsible for within Southport or the borough. SW proposed continued updates and engagement among the board on wider works as and were applicable.
RF confirmed that the role of the board was to set up the TIP and now this is complete we look to continuing the role. Going forward this is for the Town Deal projects and not a wider remit at this ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Consultation and Engagement Minutes:
Project Updates To receive updates on the following projects:
· Marine Lake Event Centre – Mark Catherall, Tourism Manager · Les Transformation de Southport – Stephen Birch, Consultant · Enterprise Arcade – Keith Molloy, Strategic Lead Regeneration and Development · Building and Better Customer Experience - Claire McGuire, Service Manager, Employment & Learning
AOB Minutes: Q. Members reiterated the remit of the board and wanted to make sure the private sector projects are linked such as BHS building.
A. CW confirmed that officers are sighted on the wider investment projects such as the BHS and Cambridge arcade roof works and are in the process of drafting full programme to help identify any potential disruption to businesses and visitors.
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Quarterly meeting dates for 2023 to be circulated. Monthly electronic updates will be provided as well as key documents requiring Board member involvement / oversight as required.