To agree to give delegated authority to the Head of Regulation and
Compliance, in consultation with the Director of Public Health and
Cabinet Members for Health and Wellbeing and Children, Schools and
Safeguarding, to sign off the novation of 0-5 contracts prior to
transfer on 1st October 2015; and
To seek a decision on the future procurement of children’s
public health nursing and Long Acting Reversible Contraception
Delivered in Primary Care
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Both Financial and Community Impact;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/06/2015
Financial: Yes;
Community Impact: Yes;
Decision due: 3 Sep 2015 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Health and Wellbeing
Lead director: Director of Public Health
Department: Adult Social Care
Contact: Margaret Jones, Statutory Director of Public Health / Head of Health & Wellbeing Email: Tel: 0151 934 3348.
Consultation process
From the 1st October 2015, the Government intends that Local
Authorities take over responsibility from NHS England (NHSE) for
commissioning public health services for children aged 0-5. Papers
reporting on the progress of transition to date have gone to
• Health and Wellbeing Board Programme and Integration
• Cabinet Member briefings
• Senior Leadership Team Policy Plan
• A Sefton transition group including LA finance, legal,
commissioning support, communications and CCG has met.
• NHS England has communicated proposed changes to CCG and
Local Authority leaders.
• Stakeholder days have been organised by NHS England with
participation of provider, CCG, LA and other partners
• Public health are meeting with legal and commissioning
support in July to discuss the novation of 0-5 contracts, school
health and LARC
Legal; Finance; Appropriate Cabinet Members; Commissioning Support; Health and Wellbeing Board - Early Life Forum; Clinical Commissioning Group; and NHS England