Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday 1st December, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room, Town Hall, Bootle

Contact: Steve Pearce  Interim Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested at a meeting where a disclosable pecuniary interest or personal interest arises, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests, todeclare any interests that relate to an item on the agenda.


Where a Member discloses a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, he/she must withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest, except where he/she is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of a dispensation.


Where a Member discloses a personal interest he/she must seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or staff member representing the Monitoring Officer to determine whether the Member should withdraw from the meeting room, including from the public gallery, during the whole consideration of any item of business in which he/she has an interest or whether the Member can remain in the meeting or remain in the meeting and vote on the relevant decision.



No declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests were received.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2022


Decision Made:


That the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


Local Government Association Peer Review - Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 404 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health which detailed the findings of the recent Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review into Adult Social Care in Sefton following an invitation extended to the LGA to complete a review of the service ahead of the arrival of the Care Quality Commission’s assurance inspections which could be as early as 2023.


The Peer Review was conducted in July 2022 by colleagues from the LGA North West Association of Directors of Adult Social Services with senior officers from other participating local authorities. The Peer Review team was led by Cath Roff, Director of Adult Social Services from Leeds City Council and consisted of colleagues from Lancashire, Leeds, Tameside, Waltham Forest, and Wigan Councils. Representatives from the LGA also formed part of the challenge team, The Peer Review mirrored the scope of the new assurance approach which will be implemented by the Care Quality Commission into all Councils with Adult Social Care responsibilities.


Decision Made: That:


(1)      the content of the report and the full LGA Peer Review be noted; and


(2)      it be noted that the ongoing monitoring of the plan will be through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health), the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health.


Reasons for the Decision:


The Peer Review process forms part of the sector led improvement programme which is available to Adult Social Care Services in the North West. It was commissioned as part of Sefton’s preparation for the implementation of the National Assurance framework and inspection regime which is due to be implemented in April 2023. Sefton being the first local authority in the North West to take advantage of this peer review programme.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:




Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited - Three Year Strategy and Business Plan pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Report of the Executive Director - Place


Further to Minute No. 99 of the meeting held on 3 February 2022, the Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director (Place) which provided details of the latest strategy and business plan for Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited. The focus of the business includes, but is not limited to, operating the hospitality offer at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre (CLAC), known as The Lake House.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       the strategy and business Plan for the company, including its continued alignment with the business base for Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre and the previous business plan, both previously presented to Cabinet, be noted;


(2)       the Strategy and three-year Business Plan for Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited be approved;


(3)       any material variations to the financial forecast be presented back to Cabinet for further decision; and


(4)       an updated Business Plan for the three years from the financial year 2024-25 be brought to Cabinet for approval in advance of the start of that financial year.


Reasons for the Decision:


Sefton’s Growth and Strategic Investment programme includes a number of projects that enhance and maximise the offer across the borough to residents and visitors alike. This offer goes beyond the physical assets themselves, and the role of Sefton Hospitality Operations Limited (SHOL) and its opportunity are to provide an experience for customers that aligns with the vision and objectives of the borough and the Council. Moreover, SHOL and its strategy will enable support for local people with access to higher-quality career opportunities in the hospitality sector. As per the previously-approved business case, the model also delivers best value to the Council (via the removal of the subsidy formerly required to the previous hospitality offer at CLAC).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:




Phase 1 Business Plan for Sandway Homes Ltd pdf icon PDF 405 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which provided an update on the progress and delivery of new homes as part of the  Phase 1 Business Plan for Sandway Homes Limited and follows on from previous reports provided to Members on the development and activities within the Company.


The report also provided an update on delivery of construction activity and the forecasted financial performance, comparing it to the previously agreed Business Plan and highlighting key decisions required by the Council, and details of the current progress in respect of Phase 2 Business Planning.


Decision Made: That


1)       approval be given to the revisions to the Phase 1 Business Plan as provided by the Company  to the Council as at November  2022, including changes to the financial forecast, duration of the programme and timing of the dividend, capital receipt and repayment of debt;


(2)      the range of external economic factors that have materialised over the last 6 months that could impact financial performance be noted;


(3)      the options currently identified from the updated exit strategy that would be available to the Council should the company fail to continue to operate be noted;


(4)      that any further material variations to the revised financial forecast in respect of the Phase 1 Business Case (the base case) that arise be presented back to the Cabinet for further decision at the earliest opportunity; and


(5)      it be noted that the progress being made in respect of potential business cases for 2 sites that would be included in a Phase 2 Business Plan and that subject to progress these will be reported to cabinet during the second half of 2023. This timeline will be driven by the Council having assurance that the financial objectives of Phase 1 have been or will be met. This will require projected sales income having been achieved and the financial risk to the council having been reduced.


Reasons for the Decision:


Since 2016 the Council has been considering its role in the provision of housing throughout the Borough to complement an active third and private sector market.

There was significant demand for housing sites and housing development within Sefton, with over 11,000 housing units being required, over the Local Plan period, in order to meet with the local housing demand.


There was a national shortfall of circa 1m homes (of which 400,000 fall into affordable homes) whilst across the Liverpool City Region a total of circa 50,000 housing units would be required in the medium term. Sandway Homes Limited seeks to increase housing completions and the availability of choice for residents and those wishing to live in Sefton.  This would be achieved by working with the Council and stakeholders including Homes England and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to leverage in brownfield enabling funds to assist the local authority in proactively re-developing sites included in its brownfield disposal register


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:




Financial Management 2022/23 to 2024/25 and Framework for Change 2020 - Revenue and Capital Budget Update 2022/23 – December Update pdf icon PDF 584 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which provided details of:


1.       The current position relating to the 2022/23 revenue budget;

2.       The current forecast on Council Tax and Business Rates collection for 2022/23; and

3.       The monitoring position of the Council’s capital programme to the end of October 2023:

·      The forecast expenditure to year end.

·      Variations against the approved budgets and an explanation of those variations for consideration by Members.

·      Updates to spending profiles and proposed amendments to capital budgets necessary to ensure the efficient delivery of capital projects are also presented for approval.


Decision Made: That

Revenue Budget

(1)      the current position relating to the 2022/23 revenue budget be noted;


(2)      the actions being taken to offset the budget pressures being faced in 2022/23 be noted.


(3)      the financial risks associated with the delivery of the 2022/23 revenue budget be recognised and and it be acknowledged that the forecast outturn position will continue to be reviewed, and remedial actions put in place, to ensure a balanced forecast outturn position and financial sustainability can be achieved.


(4)      the current position relating to the High Needs budget be noted and that officers are currently reviewing all options available to the Council to mitigate the additional pressure and to make the overall High Needs budget financially sustainable.


Capital Programme


(5)      the spending profiles across financial years for the approved capital programme (paragraph 7.1) be noted;


(6)      the latest capital expenditure position as at 31 October 2022 of £19.758m (paragraph 7.12); and the latest full year forecast of £51.250m (paragraph 7.13) be noted;


(7)      approval be given to a supplementary capital estimate of £0.140m for the expansion of Melling Primary School, funded by Section 106 contributions (paragraph 7.8);


(8)      approval be given to a supplementary capital estimate of £0.339m for the Brownfield Land Fund – Former Bootle High Site funded by external grant from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (paragraph 7.10);


(9)      approval be given to a supplementary capital estimate of £0.694m for the Brownfield Land Fund – Bentham’s Way Site funded by external grant from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (paragraph 7.10); and


(10)    it be noted that the capital resources will be managed by the Executive Director Corporate Resources and Customer Services to ensure the capital programme remains fully funded and that capital funding arrangements secure the maximum financial benefit to the Council (paragraphs 7.16-7.18).


Reasons for the Decision:


To ensure Cabinet are informed of the current position in relation to the 2022/23 revenue budget.


To provide an updated forecast of the outturn position with regard to the collection of Council Tax and Business Rates.


To keep members informed of the progress of the Capital Programme against the profiled budget for 2022/23 and agreed allocations for future years.


To progress any changes that are required in order to maintain a relevant and accurate budget profile necessary for effective monitoring of the Capital Programme.


To approve any updates to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 94.


Programme of Meetings – 2023/24 Municipal Year pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer which provided details of the proposed Programme of Meetings for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.


The Leader of the Council requested that programme of meetings be revised to facilitate the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding) being held every six weeks during the 2023/24 Municipal Year. 


Decision Made: That:








the Programme of Meetings for the Cabinet, Public Engagement and Consultation Panel, Safer Sefton Together and the Health and Wellbeing Board for 2023/24 as set out in Annexes A and D of the report be approved.


the Programme of Meetings for the Council, Member Briefing Sessions; Regulatory Committees; and Overview and Scrutiny Committees for 2023/24 as set out in Annexes B and C of the report be noted; and submitted to the Council for approval subject to the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding being held every six weeks.


Reasons for the Decision:


To enable the business of the Council and its various Committees/bodies to be conducted during the 2023/24 Municipal Year.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


None.  The Council is required to produce a programme of meetings.


Member Development in Sefton - The Next Steps pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services which outlined the purpose and benefits of the North-West Employers Member Development Charter and the various steps to be taken in the process for achieving accreditation.


Decision Made: That


(1)      the report be noted; and


(2)      the Council be requested to give approval for the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive signing the Declaration of Commitment to the principles included in the North-West Member Development Charter and the Council’s intention to achieve Level 1 Member Development Charter Status, as shown at Appendix 1 to the report.


Reasons for Decision:


The North-West Employers Member Development Charter would provide an established framework to enable the Council to undertake a self-assessment and review good practice in supporting and developing Sefton’s elected members in order to help them fulfil the vital role they play in working with and supporting local communities.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


None - If the Council did not sign up for and work towards the North-West Member Development Charter, it would mean that the Council would lose the benefit of an established framework for assessing, reviewing and developing good practice in the development of its Councillors, which could mean that they might be less equipped to fulfil their vital role in working with and supporting their local communities.